Spring Break 2015... HELP!


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2010
Well, it is almost time to start booking for the kid’s spring break next year. Time does fly and October is the time to start booking to beat the rush.

I have from April 4 to April 11 to travel. I started big and thought about traveling from the San Francisco Bay Area to Joshua Tree to ??? in Arizona to Bandelier NM and back with some side trips.
Unfortunately that would take more than the allotted time with 2 one day stays. Arizona does not seem to have a lot of National/State parking camping opportunities; unless you count the Grand Canyon (two years ago trip).

My son really wants to see Joshua Tree National Park. Death Valley would be a nice side trip to see again and then, I was thinking, up the 395, a stop in Bishop? Mammoth resort (for the wife to get shower, spa, shopping, etc) then up to Mono Lake, Bodie, Carson City, Reno then back home to the Bay Area?

What is in Nevada open in the spring? Great Basin? How is spring camping there?

So my biggest issue is, where can I stay off the 395 in the early spring?

It seems that most of the parks are closed in the spring until April 23rd, is this true? Tioga is closed usually until May/July. I would like to camp, but it seems that may be out of the question.

June Lake seems like a year round place, Lee Vining is probably not going to happen.

I have 4WD and chains, in the summer it seems do able if slow if snowy.

What would you do with 2 camping kids, a city wife and 1 week in the spring?


Roger, I'd take advantage of springtime and stay in the Mojave area, make the trip more focused and less driving. Take your son to Joshua Tree and consider expanding out to the nearby Mojave National Preserve. Jim Boone has a lot of information on the preserve here - BirdandHike
I guess 395 is closed until summer.
Time to re-think.... OK.
How about Walnut Creek to Joshua Tree National Park
Then to Las Vegas for a night.
Zion for 2 nights and then to Bryce Canyon for 2 nights.
Back to Vegas for a night
Then home.
I have to keep the whole family happy and this seems to do the trick.
Wilderness, city, Camp, Camp, city and home.
Kids approve, wife is OK and it looks like a trip to me!
ski3pin said:
Roger, I'd take advantage of springtime and stay in the Mojave area, make the trip more focused and less driving. Take your son to Joshua Tree and consider expanding out to the nearby Mojave National Preserve. Jim Boone has a lot of information on the preserve here - BirdandHike
Huh? A Compass? Really?
Greater Death Valley area is closer to you, Joshua Tree pales by comparison. Me, I'd go straight to Saline Valley Hot Springs and spend the whole time there. Good place for kids as well! Be sure to have your chains for Saline!

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