"Spring" in Southeastern New Mexico

Bosque Bill

Senior Member
Oct 27, 2012
Albuquerque, NM
Come for the trip report, stay for the photo galleries.

I posted the three supplemental photo galleries "first," then the trip report. That way it will flow down the page in a more natural manner. You can read the trip report, then keep scrolling to see the photo galleries for Carlsbad Caverns, McKittrick Canyon, and if you don't fall asleep first, Lea Lake.

Hope you enjoy. Feel free to ask questions.


NOTE: if you stumble upon this sometime later, after I've published additional posts, you can access this trip report directly at this URL.
Bill, that was fun, thanks! We enjoyed seeing your neck of the woods with the reminder to us we need to get down to Carlsbad. It has been near the top of our list for too long without action on our part. We are wondering how we can get you to send us some of that low priced gas. How much would you charge to deliver? :D
Bill, those are some great photos. i really enjoyed the detailed closeups of the birds, damselflies and other critters. Thanks!
Really good stuff, Bill. Thanks for reminding me of the great places in my backyard that I don't visit often enough.

That McKittrick Canyon trail is pretty cool because of the different aspects of the old Permian Reef that you hike through, too. Interesting geology there.
Thanks, everyone, for your comments.

Carlsbad Caverns was much more awe inspiring and amazing than I'd remembered it from my youth. Highly recommended if you get anywhere near there. Hint: take a good flashlight with you into the cave. Not that you'll need it to get around, but to light up features not lit by the park service.

And if you're there, Guadalupe Mountains is less than an hour south. The camping is not ideal, but there are a number of interesting trails to explore, though not in the heat of summer!
Wow Carlsbad Caverns looks amazing ! , thank you for sharing Bill good stuff ! ,D
Wow Carlsbad Caverns looks amazing ! , thank you for sharing Bill good stuff ! ,D

It is way more amazing than the photos can begin to show. You have to see for yourself! Thanks for your comment.

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