step up to cab


Senior Member
Oct 5, 2007
My wife is reasonably nimble but finds herself struggling with the climb into the cab of our new (to us) 4X4. All I'm seeing online is very expensive, trick stuff. Anybody have any simple, on-truck solutions. (She doesn't want to carry a stool in her purse.)

2000 Ram 2500 QC CTD
Welcome to my world. Pam wanted me to get either side bars which I convinced her would just get torn off when we are out in some of the areas we camp. Or the very expensve electric step which I think is just one more thing to break in a dusty, rocky environment. So I called upon my manly intuition and just kept my mouth shut until she got used to the left leg in and grab the grab bar. I'm still staying mum. Good luck.
I've seen some very nice manual fold down steps. Sorry, I don't have to install any yet so no links.
A Ram would look awesome with some custom rock sliders:

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