Stormy weather


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Blowing up a good one today. Gusts up to 69mph here. My fence was blown down so I made a trip to the home depot for repair stuff. Sure made me glad I didn't have a huge top heavy camper on the truck. This'll be a good test to make sure its watertight. I figured I'd post before the power goes out again. Sounds like there must be close to half a million without power across the state.
Might as well add some pics. My fence, my neighbors tree and my street.


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Holy Crap Craig and we're heading that way on Sunday. I'll stop into see Ben and Stan. For a FWC owner Its kinda like going to Lourdes. And then off to see friends out past Woodland. Back thru Ventura maybe but Ill have my lap top with me.
Might as well add some pics. My fence, my neighbors tree and my street.

Geeze Louise...nothing like that down here yet...guess it's not all hype after all. Good luck up there in NORCAL!

OBTW your camera date is outta wack!
I wonder at what point Stan and Chicali pop the show models down at the factory..It blew 30 or so when I was there last month and they were up no worries..69 mph is cookin'..

Have a good trip Jay-
Craig ain't kidding.

I'm about 20 miles outside of Sac. I've got a tree laying over, flooded yard, and the glass top blew off of the patio table. Its garbage day too. The street is a mess from many of the cans blowing over.

Could be worse, the Sierras are in a blizzard. Some of our fellow members are located there. Predicted snow is 5+ feet in the high country this weekend.
Looking out enjoying the storm here as well from 4,500' in the central sierras. Wind is cranking and rain is pounding. I expect it will turn to snow here this evening. Expected up to 10' around 12,000' It's only a matter of time before the power goes out. I think a ski trip in the camper is in order!
WOW, we took a weather beating this morning !

In the last 5 years we never had to put the showroom camper roofs down in the showroom due to weather -- we did today.


We had 3 or 4 skylights in the warehouse blow off and one empty shell model Six-Pac cab-over camper blow over in the parking lot


Power is still out and the server is down.
Most everyone went home for the day.
I stayed until 1:00 and then bailed.
Couldn't get much done with limited phones, no computer, and sitting in a dark office.

Lets hope that was the worst of it.

Nice break in the weather now, back to low winds and not much rain @ 3:00pm.

2 toppled camper pics
and whats left of the flag at the business next door



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TT It looks like we'll be in The'Nard mid week next week.

I need a case of Red Tide Dude. Or more if there are some. Is my money still good in CA?
I'm glad I moved my Hawk into the shed, the wind is pretty bad. Now I just hope the shed does'nt blow down. Right know I'm stuck here at work in Incline Village keeping snow removal equipment going and it looks like I have to take the long way home as SR431 Mont Rose Highway is closed.:mad:
At 6,200 feet in Truckee the rain finally changed to snow about a half hour ago (3:00 pm) and now it looks like the real weather is here. Visibility is down to about 200 yards and the wind is still howling. Up to this point we'd only had about an inch of snow and whole lot of driving rain. More later.
An inch or more per hour

I've heard that a few places are getting more than an inch of rain in an hour.

We haven't had much rain since I repaired a corner that I opened on a tree branch and I installed a Fan-Tastic Vent. It stopped here for a few minutes and I just checked it out. All is nice and dry inside the camper - silicon is good stuff.
Good grief! You guys are getting nailed out there. I have seen some pictures of it on the Weather Channel. Looks like there is more bad stuff to come over the next couple days. Hang in there.
Wow power out for 10 hours........I could not get a cup of coffee and power was out from Millbrae to SF. so I fired up the generator and hot was so windy I could see the top of my camper move up and down and the truck move from side to side. a river of water flowed down both sides of the street.........power back up so that I could make this post.........I have not seen this kind of weather in past 5 years...more water more fishing....................08 is starting to be a good year.....
They're calling this the storm of the decade. My power was only off for three hours. The FWC seems to have come through just fine. Other than my fence, the house has done just fine. I've lived here my whole life and I can't recall winds like this. We're lucky the ground was fairly dry before this started or we'd really have some trees down.
Geeze Louise...nothing like that down here yet...guess it's not all hype after all. Good luck up there in NORCAL!

OBTW your camera date is outta wack!

yeah, resetting the camera date all the time is very annoying. I'm going to do some research, probably an internal battery I can replace that keeps that info. I hope.
I talked to Ben yesterday about 4PM. He was using his cel and a candle. Power had been out for 5 or 6 hours.

It was 70 in Tucson with clear skys and the same predicted for today. Is that sh!!t going to roll through here on its way to TN?
TT It looks like we'll be in The'Nard mid week next week.

I need a case of Red Tide Dude. Or more if there are some. Is my money still good in CA?

The new batch was bottled a few days ago, should be here early next week..I will have a few boxes standing by for you...
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