Stovetop oven


Advanced Member
Oct 30, 2014
North Carolina
What are you using for baking? I would like the opportunity to bake a potato, pizza, muffins or bread. I have seen the Coleman oven, which isn’t available anyway. Anyone else have an idea?
I have the Coleman oven and used it to cook bisquits and potatos. It worked but seemed wasteful of fuel and dificult to keep at temperature if there is any wind. It requires a pan that fits in the oven in which to put your food.

I bought the Swedish Omnia oven and while I have had only a short while and cooked only brownies, it cooked well. There are a lot of recipes for it. Its design includes the pan in which you put the food.

The silicone ring and mufffin pan make cleanup a lot easier. As pizzas don't cook well in a shallow bundt pan, they have recipies for converting pizza to calzone.

You will need two pair of OvGloves to save your fingers and hands. Everything on it gets hot.

I really got it for my wife to cook her favorite chicken wing recipe. Will be trying that soon.

The Coleman Oven I believe is still made, it’s just not currently available on Amazon. They can likely be found at your local Sporting Goods or Hardware store. My Bimart had a couple on the shelf last time I looked. They aren’t a bad idea, like a lot of camping stuff It’ an art to get the most out of them. A lot of people put a baking stone in the bottom to regulate the heat. Nice that they fold down.

If you’re a watcher of Craigslist or the like, Pyramid made what I thought was a good one. Once in a great while one shows up.

Good luck with your search.
We use a Sun Oven since our idea of winter camping is usually Baja. We cook brownies, cakes, chickens, all kinds of stuff. It's bulky though, but we put it in our trailer with my ARB Freezer and my roll-up boat and motor.
PaulT said:
I have the Coleman oven and used it to cook bisquits and potatos. It worked but seemed wasteful of fuel and dificult to keep at temperature if there is any wind. It requires a pan that fits in the oven in which to put your food.
If you add a ceramic pizza stone to the Coleman camp oven it helps to regulate the heat and helps prevent hot spots that burn your bottoms (of muffins & bread). Also, the temp gauge on the front is not at all accurate.

I'm hoping to try the Omnia soon.
I've used the Backpackers Pantry which is no longer made, works well but is small.


And the Omnia oven with mixed results -


And just purchased the Bemco oven from the guy who makes them but haven't tried it yet.

Another possibility is the Volcano Grill.

We have one but have not taken camping, primarily because it is a heavy duty unit with emphasis on heavy. We use it at home with the propane adapter and a large wok for stir frying for which task it is magnificent.

The grill can make use of charcoal or firewood as fuel, also. It also accommodates a 12” dutch oven inside the unit for baking or roasting.

I’ll have to try using it with my dutch oven during this Covid downtime.

We have used the Backpackers Pantry Outback oven for about 15 years. It''s been great. However, I think they are now out of production, though there's one on eBay.

One of the best parts is the lid. If you get the Omnia, I suggest that if it does not fit your current frying pan, that you switch to a frying pan over which lid fits. We use the oven about once a month - the lid about every other day when traveling.
Well alright then!... Have bought one (with the red liner) and tried it out on our house gas stove top .... what the heck we went simple too test drive and made pigs in a blanket.... they came out great. We used a BBQ digital thermometer as the top has the right sized holes to keep track of the oven temp.

What I would love to find is a list of meals folks have made... recipes not needed just what have you baked, warmed up or ????
I know it will really be handy for reheating leftovers but was looking for "ONE POT MEALS" (great book) for the Omnia. What is possible? Or what is stupid to try?! Baked apples?..... soufflé?
9" pizza. You have to hunt them down. Trader Joe's has them but TJs are not so plentiful in New England. Try Wegman's, Hannefords, Whole Foods, maybe even Aldi, or any upscale grocery. Our local New Seasons has 9" cornbread crust pizza. YUM! We often add more vegetables and/or Italian meats on top.
Great idea... There is a TJ's an hour from here and if I'am going on a trip could get a couple and freeze... Thanks
Keep the ideas coming!
"Well alright then!... Have bought one"

Bought one what? A number of items were suggested.

If it was the Omnia, we also bought one about two months ago. So far have done frittata, corn bread muffins, brownies, and cake. Looking forward to trying pizza and meatloaf. A bit of a learning curve but it is far superior to the Coleman Stovetop Oven we have. There is a Facebook group for Omnia owners. They are pretty active and post lots of recipes.
I'm officially confused now. How does one place a Trader Joes 9" pizza in an Omnia oven without blocking the heat flow?
Do their pizzas have a hole in the center? Do you cut a hole in the pizza to allow the heated air to reach the top of the oven? Do you burn the center and eat the raw surrounding parts? Inquiring minds, etc.

Without the hole, seems like the toppings and cheese would flow to the circumference and drip into the pan.

Looks like that there must be a hole in the pizza center prior to freezing it for the trip.

Looking for enlightenment.

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