The Great Great Basin Over the Fourth

I'd love to go hiking with you but I uh, twisted my ankle getting out of the camper, yeah thats it (I've got more excuses if thats not enough).
I'd love to go hiking with you but I uh, twisted my ankle getting out of the camper, yeah thats it (I've got more excuses if thats not enough).

Don't worry Craig, you won't have any problem keeping up with DD in the mountains; it's Mr & Mrs 3pin that you have to worry about. :LOL:
Man, you always take the best photos! Thanks so much for sharing.

People always want to know why I don't just go to disneyland like them, or some country far away when I'm on on vacation? Maybe someday when I'm done exploring Nevada.
Man, you always take the best photos! Thanks so much for sharing.

People always want to know why I don't just go to disneyland like them, or some country far away when I'm on on vacation? Maybe someday when I'm done exploring Nevada.

...or CA, or UT, or TX, or AZ, or NM, or CO, or WY, ..., pretty much anywhere 'round 'ere...

We are SO blessed, eh?
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! :cool:

I just got home from a fishing trip to MT and now I want to leave again all ready.

I have only scratched the surface in exploring Nevada. I did not realize it had this much beauty to offer.

Super TR!!!
In this trip report I tell the story of seeing a lone camper far below us as we were on the summit of Mount Jefferson.


I also mentioned seeing a solitary figure starting up the trail to the summit.

After returning from our Idaho trip this summer, I found an email in our inbox. The gentleman writing said a friend had mentioned this trip report to him along with the question,"Could it be your camper that these people saw?" This gentleman is in the habit of photographing entries in summit registers. Armed with this information, he tracked us down, leading to the email.

He provided this link to a blog about his trip into Nevada at the same time:

It's a small world indeed, especially so when the camper is also a FWC, something we could not make out from our distant vantage point or from this telephoto shot.

Happy and safe travels!
After returning from our Idaho trip this summer, I found an email in our inbox. The gentleman writing said a friend had mentioned this trip report to him along with the question,"Could it be your camper that these people saw?" This gentleman is in the habit of photographing entries in summit registers. Armed with this information, he tracked us down, leading to the email.

Cool connection, ski3pin!
That is very cool. We saw that rig go by in Belmont but i didn't realize who it was until now. Many places we have camped we looked up because we saw a picture of it on his blog. wish I could have met him and thanked him for the inspirations.

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