"The Hum" (Low frequency industrial/oil/gas noise)


Senior Member
Sep 4, 2020
Anyone else notice the pervasive low frequency noise that's out in the west now? Seems to get worse every year. At least in southwestern Colorado. It really bothers me. It is at the low range of hearing. Passes through everything. Has a 'beat frequency' going on, as I think it is multiple pumps all running at about the same frequency, but not quite.. So has this annoying non-consistent amplitude and harmonic shift happening all the time. My wife and friends who have all been going out there since the 80's all notice it, so I know it's not tinnitus or just in my head.
It's not loud.. any noise hides it. But when it's supposed to be silent and there are no other noises, it seems loud. And I can't imagine it's good for some birds and animals who hunt by sound.. Robins use low frequency sound to find bugs in the ground.

I heard it in the 'canyons of the ancients' out near Mesa Verde national park. I heard it in the mountains about two hours east of there. I did not hear it in the part of the Comanche grasslands I was in, which is further east.. but still has some gas wells nearby. Although they all appeared to be the older linear type, rather than circulating pumps.

I don't know.. It's a troubling sound. It does not exist where I live, and we have no gas/oil industry here. So I'm assuming it's all the gas wells out there.

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