The most stupid people on earth or just a$$holes? Post your opinion.

We have a nice laminated "camp site occupied" that we got from one of out visits to a state park.But that still might not solve the issue.
Also had a thought.Since most of the time the only proof you have is the site ticket why not whip out the smart phone and record the ticket on your phone.That way the "freeloader" can't say"there wasn't a ticket on the post" and with no host or ranger around it could be hard to prove.
Got this idea from a member who posted something about going down the road many miles and having the law pull them over for not paying for the gas they bought 100 miles back,and they just showed their gas receipt and that solved the problem. I always get a receipt for my gas.
Yes Ted I am sure your hands were holding tightly onto your axe.
"Also had a thought.Since most of the time the only proof you have is the site ticket why not whip out the smart phone and record the ticket on your phone.That way the "freeloader" can't say"there wasn't a ticket on the post" and with no host or ranger around it could be hard to prove."

Frank, that is a spectacular idea! The only thing better is a 12 gauge Mossberg...
I gave this one some more thought. I'd have taken the money. Not to enrich myself but hopefully to make site stealing pricey enough they might think twice next time.
Bummer. It sounds like the woman was claiming stupid as a defense for stealing your site. As if that makes it okay. In my opinion it was the wife not the kids that most need the lesson. Of course I can only speculate what I would do in your shoes, but I think I would have hit them up for another hundred and made sure the wife knew what it cost. On my way out I would ask the ranger or camp host to go give the whole family a little talk about claim jumping. The magic would have been sucked out of that trip so I don't think I would have hung around waiting for them to move. I also post a heavy weight paper plate with "RESERVED" written on it, but it sounds like that might not have been enough in your case. Sorry about your experience.
What a shame. I wish that woman and her family could read your post and our responses to her reprehensible behavior. This wasn't a mistake, IMHO. This is someone who acted childishly and took something from you that didn't belong to her family. I agree they are assholes (there! I've said it!). I would also second the choice to bring in the authorities to explain to these idjits that the site was already paid for and they can pull their two tents and dinner and get out. Jerks.
I don't know what I'd have done, although I certainly would have made my displeasure known to the bleepholes who took over the campsite. I would also for sure have told any campground host or ranger about the situation and been pretty firm that there were things they should do about this kind of behaviour.

As much as I'd have liked the cash I'm with Ski3 -- wouldn't have taken it. I despise people who think they can fix stuff by throwing around money and it would have been a lousy lesson to present to the kids-- we can buy our way out of acting like schmucks...? nope. Bad mentality. Way too much of it.

I've had people thrown out of campgrounds for violating the clean campground rule in Banff and Pacific Rim national parks twice and felt real pleased about it. The ones in Banff were turfed out at 6 am after a noisy party. I couldn't have been happier. (Funding cuts have cost Canada onsite management in campsites, too. Sucks.)
It was a reply a ways back, but I would have taken the money and put it in an envelope to donate to the NPS (or better, wrote a check for said amount) and kept the cash. Then, gracefully, fond another spot. And, forgot about it.

We have many trails behind our property that the mountain biking community has built on private forestry land (with permission). Most folks are really nice and we stay off the downhill trails when we walk with our dogs. The rule is bikers yield to everyone: horses, llamas and pedestrians; and pedestrians yield to horses. Nothing about runners when encountering walkers on a bridge. We were on a very handsome, rustic bridge with no hand rails no more than 4 feet across) across the main creek (with waterfalls under and on both sides of the bridge) about 80% of the way across on the downhill side when we encounter a runner. Does he yield the bridge to us? No, he is hell bent on his run, even shoving my husband aside so he could continue. Our dogs are big and almost drug us into the creek. No excuse mes, no stopping, no nothing. I yelled at him to say that his run wasn't that bloody important. And, in another post I mentioned the entitled ones? That is a prime example.

I am so sorry that there are rude, arrogant folks out there. I think that is why most of us boon dock or keep our distance.

Everything you do was right. The family was completely wrong. I'm the same way when I know I'm right and the other person is wrong.

I try not to let the situation get to me. I know this is completely hard to do. I tell myself that I will not let that person "win" by ruining my precious weekend so easier to just take the high road.

I run into situation like this all the time when surfing. I just try to do things to completely avoid the situation. I know its easier said than done but don't let them ruin your fun time.

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