The Old Salt Sea

Ah, the disclaimer . . . I was wondering about all those shots. :unsure:

Sounds like a wonderful trip down memory lane. We enjoy many of those same spots and feel the need to visit at least annually to get a dose of salt spray. Nice dawn photos of Mendo.

Too bad Orr was crowded, but I am not surprised. So far we haven't located any nearby, especially boon-dock type camping. Orr Hot Springs is geared towards daytrippers (3 hrs rate I think) or renting cabins or tent site. The single RV 'campsite' is simply a park spot on their dirt road, which I do not recommend.

24F at Montgomery Woods?? I would be amazed to see it that cold, but at least it kept the crowds away! ;)
Ah, the disclaimer . . . I was wondering about all those shots. :unsure:

Sounds like a wonderful trip down memory lane. We enjoy many of those same spots and feel the need to visit at least annually to get a dose of salt spray. Nice dawn photos of Mendo.

Too bad Orr was crowded, but I am not surprised. So far we haven't located any nearby, especially boon-dock type camping. Orr Hot Springs is geared towards daytrippers (3 hrs rate I think) or renting cabins or tent site. The single RV 'campsite' is simply a park spot on their dirt road, which I do not recommend.

24F at Montgomery Woods?? I would be amazed to see it that cold, but at least it kept the crowds away! ;)

Sorry to spoil your day, but you guys better get that camera fixed and get back there and take some pictures while you still can of Manchester SB, Westport Landing SB and several of the other parks along the coast (including some of the Redwood ones) before they close this August because of budget cuts-or even better, get on the State Parks Foundation Web site and add you two cents worth! Sorry to remind you folks of what I've been bitching about for the last year! I was over there when the closed Manchester for the season( it never is closed during the fall/winter-that's when i go there, :(At the same time they closed most of Mac Kerricher, and as I pulled into Westport Landing SB, was told they were closing most of the camping areas down. From what I was told, the park leaders were pissed that the parks bill was voted down and were going to implement the closers early! And yes, when this budget stuff started a few years ago when they trebled the fees and decreased the services-and yes I'm mad about it, and have written letters, given $ and the rest to no avail-the machine is moving and unless wiser head prevail-they will close 70 some parks-including Jack London State Park!

Sorry for venting

Smoke ees
I have loved that area ever since I road my bicycle from Eureka to Pasadena over 40 years ago. I looked at a map of California and it was all down hill.

I'm so glad you have a new camera. Great stuff. Thank you.
<snip> the machine is moving and unless wiser head prevail-they will close 70 some parks-including Jack London State Park!

Sorry for venting


Park Closure List

no apology to me needed, Mr. Smoke.

I have loved that area ever since I rode my bicycle from Eureka to Pasadena over 40 years ago. I looked at a map of California and it was all down hill.


Hey Jay, want to ride it again?
Yeh, guess I should have hope and not get so stressed over the park closings. When I was over there before Thanksgiving, they were turning bike riders away at WU Landing-no open spaces because of the early closing down of two of the camping areas :eek:! Unless it snows (fat chance), think I'll head over to West Port U next week, maybe start an "Occupy" or something:)-! Maybe start a protest or something. I still can't see how they can close 'em-it doesn't work and once closed they get destroyed because a closed sign or a chain never stops anyone-they (mgt/pols) never thought this whole thing out just gave an order and here we are. Westport was given to the park S by the Indians for public use and the state is going to close it-even though they can't by law-and they know it, going to put a care taker on the park-with no Maint, Law Enforcement or water, but it was written down so thereby is law in their minds. That's why I retired early from the BLM, sometimes they do things that make no sense and every one knows it, so its time to reinvent the wheel again!:cool:

Pols--Lets threaten to close the state parks. Citizens of California will never vote that down, then we can use the money to give ourselves raises.

Well thats how I see it :cautious:
One of our favorite trips 3pins. We love Mendo as well, not to
mention all of the funky little hamlets north of there. Thanks for postin'!
The road had taken us to places that touched us and refreshed us and make us want to return.

This tiny vignette stood out just a bit from the Ski3pins' continuing word mural. Yes, the pictures are great, but I wonder, "What picture is worth a thousand words as well chosen as these nineteen?"

Thanks, Ski & Lady, for sharing with us all your beautiful picture of True Love.
get on the State Parks Foundation Web site and add you two cents worth!

Smoke ees

OK Smoke, I have joined and made an additional donation to the State Parks Foundation. Most of my travels take me to BLM, NP or Fish and Wildlife lands, but I like knowing the California State Parks will be there for the future.

Will others please join me?

We've been contributing for the last two years and will continue into the future. We use the parks a lot and want to see them open and maintained properly. Thanks to all who wish to join in.
We've been contributing for the last two years and will continue into the future. We use the parks a lot and want to see them open and maintained properly. Thanks to all who wish to join in.

Thanks every one for caring and trying to do something, maybe the state will see the light and do the right thing!

Good heads up Smoke. We have been members for lots of years and use the parks a lot.I look at the list as to what they "think" they can close.How do you close some of the state beaches? The only way is to restrict the parking at the lots or along the roads next to them.What a joke.Don't want to rely on it but the feds have to step in some where as they have given the state $$ for some of our park programs and if they were closed the feds would want their $$ back.So I have heard.Also doesn't the Coastal Commission come in there somewhere?Don't know really what can be done but we can write and bitch to our"politicos" I guess.But they seem to care not a fig about the small stuff.

I think you are onto something Smoke not to stress about it.

Just rambling ,


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