The Overdue Confession


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
While backcountry skiing yesterday, it occurred to the Lady and me that we have a confession to make.

.... for the solitude of back country sking to go where you want to go without lift lines and people competing for your space. How such a simple complex system brings you such joy swishing across the snow while gliding down a slope creating effortless three-pin tele-turns all the while giggling with a big smile. ;)

Such selflessness....

You are forgiven!
Is there anything else you need to confess about, my son?

Perhaps the brand of wax?

If nothing else to confess, then say,

Three "Let it snow",
Six, "Ski good or eat wood",
Four, "The mountains are calling and I must go."

Don't forget to worship as often as possible in the light, fluffy, white powder of snow on a very long run.
Cleaver as some have posted that you may have not been using the traditional 3 pin bindings or boots... If that is so be not afraid of confession. Before two knee surgery's I hit the slopes with cable bindings and three pins. Just depends what and where I wanted to do. I still used the leather boots but I did buy the original T-2 Terminators double plastic boots. Still have them if somebody wants them at below fair price. Spent way many days on the paid sky slopes sking off the tops and moguls with the ones to the left that the metal is shaved off on the bindings.

That's all I got and await for you confession as speculation can have endless conversations. ;)

Lots of old classic skis there, Patrick. :)

After the Lady's four knee surgeries, we no longer ski the resorts, back when Christmas Day or Super Bowl Sunday used to provide no crowds. She is saving what is left of her knees for hiking and backcountry skiing. We skied yesterday, she is off skiing with two friends again today. She still carves all the teles she wants in the backcountry.

The confession. We are no longer skiing on three pin bindings; no more ski 3 pin. I have mounted G3 Targa cable bindings to our skis. We have joined the ranks of the cable folks. This was a couple years back. I noticed the cables yesterday as we snacked below the top of Brown Mountain.

We are keeping the name. :)

Julie loved her old pair of the original - two color - T2's. After going through, wearing out, several of the newer Scarpa versions, she has settled on the T4 as they are so similar to the old T2's. I just bought a pair of T4's last year.
Ski, I just gave up my 3pins (classic cross country version) a couple of years ago. Haven't looked back. Glad you are keeping the name.
Hi Ski3pin
Your both out there making it happen what ever name you go by. That's what really counts.
G3cablekids comes to mind if a change were in your future, but I favor the original also.

Lighthawk said:
Pins or no pins....

Free the Heel and Free the Mind!
We had a dear friend, a crotchety old guy, he was our backcountry skiing mentor. When I'd call to put together teams for a search and rescue callout, he would always give a yes. He was solid, dependable. He gave Julie the nickname, "ski3pin". We gave him the nickname, "Old Free Heel".

The search for him was one of the last we took part in. We were the ones who discovered him missing from his mountain cabin.

There are a lot of memories wrapped up in names.......................
I find that dropping a knee with cables tougher than using my Alpine bindings at a resort. Must be my couch potato training regimen.
Bittersweet about the search for your mentor, but I’ll bet you smile when you think of him.
For explanation:

The good old days...................................................


the new tradition............................................


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