The "Turtle Expedition" is for sale !


That's a lot off $$$ for a hard used truck and camper. At that price, I think I could buy a gently used Super Duty, buy FWC's new diesel camper, AND have money left over to fund a year of camping trips!

I'm with you Les; forget buying history, make your own! :thumb:

(All said, it's a cool rig.)
You'd definitely have to paint it. I'd hate having everyone coming up to me "hey, you aren't mr.wescott".

I don't know, it'd be pretty cool having all that stuff. Otoh half the fun is doing the stuff yourself.

Doesn't matter to me though, I"m still trying to come up with fuel money to go somewhere.
Because I camp in a basic Keystone similar this Turtle Expedition unit, I can compare and see this one is much better equipped than mine. However, I gather the floorpac has not been modified to fit late model trucks. That would extend the life of it many more years.

I doubt the camper has been hurt from camping in it. I believe I saw one of the Turtle campers for sale somewhere. It only had about 50,000 miles on it. I would venture a guess that most of us are rougher on our campers than these folks are. If the camper and truck have been stored inside, it is probably like new.

They said it was a 92 model truck, multifuel diesel? I wonder if it will run on waste oil? My multifuel M35A2 Duece and a Half will burn straight waste engine oil, transmission fluid, etc. Did the folks on the Turtle expedition ever do that? I would not try it in cold weather. I saw an artical where the Canadian military drains the crank case engine oil from their M35A2s in to catch pan, then filter it and pump it directly into the fuel tank. That is what I call recycling and taking care of the environment.

Very nice rig and thanks for posting it Stan. John D
I have never formally met Gary or Monica, but I have seen all 3 of their vehicles and have been totally impressed. For older vehicles, I have never seen things better kept and cared for.

I just saw their Turtle V at the Overland Expo. The Ford 550 (Turtle V) is a 1999 truck, almost 10 years old, and it looks brand new. It is one heck of a beast. Maybe too big for most people.

I don't know if their asking price is good or bad, and I'm not geting anything out of posting the ad for them, but I thought it would be a nice gesture since they have promoted our campers for so many years.

This vehicle won't fit the needs of very many people out there, but maybe for someone it will be just want they want. If anyone is interested, it might be worth looking at. If this package looks anything like their other 2 truck & camper packages, I think you will be impressed.

I would not buy this to try and get attention. Probably be to grab it, change it, customize it for your likes & desires, and make your own trails and your own history.



That's a lot off $$$ for a hard used truck and camper. At that price, I think I could buy a gently used Super Duty, buy FWC's new diesel camper, AND have money left over to fund a year of camping trips!

I'm with you Les; forget buying history, make your own! :thumb:

(All said, it's a cool rig.)

It's for the children!!


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Hey Guys, I've been MIA most of this last month but I had to check in real quick & saw this post so I thought I'd add my $.02 for what it's worth.

I've actually met & visited with Gary & Monika a number of times over the years & followed the Turtle IV around Baja for a week. There is much much more to that truck than meets the eye & actually for the price it's not a steal by any means but also not a bad price. Gary is absolutely anal about keeping his vehicles in "expedition ready condition" as he calls it. Last I remember the Turtle IV had about 165K miles on it but was pretty much in like new condition.

The engine was replaced after Russian as it had many more hours on it than the miles would indicate - they once ran it for 3 months straight due to the cold temps. BTW it's actually not a powerstroke but rather the previous generation factory turbo diesel. The rest of the drivetrain has been completely gone through & rebuilt/refurbished/ & or replaced including the steering & all spring bushings. The frame has been repainted along with the axles, etc...

The camper has a new roof & vinyl sides & I believe the frame was rewelded when they returned from Russia. The frame was also custom reinforced with gussets etc... There are so many custom details inside I couldn't even begin to list them here - as Gary once said - something that will bug you on a weekend trip will drive you nuts if you live in it & don't address it. As far as it not fitting the newer trucks that wouldn't be practical anyway. It's bolted to the truck in 8 places & has connections to the diesel tanks etc... The camper is also not really a slide in as the area in front of the wheel wells is boxxed in for dry storage - I did the same mod on my camper & I have to lift it almost above the truck bed to get it off.

Another item regarding the price is I know Gary sold the last truck as complete & expedition ready - this includes all the spare parts, tools, etc... that go with that truck which is substantial by itself. Basically you could buy the truck,fill up with fuel, food, & water, & head for South America with out any worries.

As for the paint & stickers I know the Turtle III still has them on but the gentleman who owns it doesn't drive it much. If I bought it I would leave them on for awhile just because I consider them friends & there's history there but if I didn't have a connection they would most likely go - not to much into bling myself. Bottom line is this is a truck & camper that is ready to work & probably a better value than a new rig given it's suppurb condition. It would cost much more than double to duplicate new but you would have your own version of the best available rather than the Wescott's version from 15 years ago.

Sorry for the long post - just felt I needed to help set the record straight.
Enjoy the journey,
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