They're baaaaack!


Resident Geologist
Sep 21, 2011
Raleigh, NC
Forces affiliated with Occupy Black Rock have returned to northwest Nevada this week. New this year is a continuous inane commentary from somebody or another as the cam pans around.

You may, or may not, join the fun here:

Looks like a spectacle--and I love me a spectacle!

I'll bet it is quite the caravan. Not to mention the exodus next weekend.

Through poor planning and dumb luck I drove to southwestern Montana right along with hundreds of thousands of bikers as the 2002 Sturgis Rally assembled, passing through WY into the WY-SD-MT border area on Saturday night. A week and a day later, we came back through as the Rally was breaking up on Sunday. The "before" and "after" images were striking--lots of withered sun-scorched riders who'd been rather more buff on the way out. I've seen some pics and videos of the Burning Man crowd headed home in all white vehicles and trailers, courtesy of alkali dust. Not for me, that's for sure.

ski3pin said:
Oh, will I have a story to tell.................................................... :)
Dare I say we're all looking forward to your story!
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