Time to change shorts!


Senior Member
Jun 30, 2009
Stockton CA
Why I don't pull a trailer. Saw this on the return leg of our east coast trip. Had to be exciting. Looked to be a newer travel trailer.


Good hitch did not come off...
Ugh. That left a mark (right there on the pavement).

Think I'd just as soon the trailer separate if everything is that out of shape, at least for my own safety's sake.

About 6,000 miles round trip towing our new hardside popup coming up in July-August, so this is quite sobering.

Looks one of the lightly built bigger SOBs (some other brand). Higher center of gravity than many units. Hard to say what caused it, but my guess is too much speed coupled with something unexpected, perhaps no sway control.

Bill, we pull a 25' Airstream, with a good weight distribution and anti-sway hitch. It's nice to have extra room at base camp!!! Coupled with the Grandby, there's a lot of flexibility.
A few years ago I saw one of these loss-of-control situations happen in the opposing lanes but it came to a better ending. I was southbound on the interstate and noticed a pickup towing a trailered bobcat begin to sway oddly on the northbound side. I'm sure the guy tried his best to get ahead of it but each swing got more dramatic. At first the rig was more or less swinging back and forth in his lane but as the arcs got bigger he was soon across both lanes (temporarily!) and then I'd see the rear end of the pickup being pulled sideways by the trailer, tires a-smoking. Eventually, the trailer and bobcat passed the truck.

Amazingly, the rig came to a stop pointed southbound on the berm of the far northbound lane, as if he had parked it there on purpose.

The rig never hit the center divider and, because the berm was paved here, never went off the pavement. I assume it was the low center of gravity of the bobcat that made the difference in outcome.
Pretty good sized trailer for a 1500 Ram. Looks like the tail wagged the dog. You see a lot of people pulling big trailers with not much truck these days. Pulling a trailer is no big deal provided you have the right rig, it's properly equipped, and you don't drive like you needed to be there yesterday.
Back in the Pliestocene when I was a pup we had a combo like that pass us on I-5 going south just to the north of Dunsmuir. Pretty good hill there. Same deal, each trailer sway got bigger until it passed the tow vehicle (an SUV long before they were called that). Parked itself on the right shoulder pointed uphill, everything upright. That vehicle & trailer STILL beat us to the restaurant in Willows!!
In another life I operate one of those big wreckers, seen most of it and it was never nice. Usually overloaded trailer with a tow rig to light and of course a little speed. If someone offered me a pull trailer I would take it but would sell it quick, if I had to have a trailer it would have to be a 5th wheel. Up righted a dozen or so pull trailers a year. The only time I had to deal with a 5th is when it was driven where it was not meant to be, never had to put one back on its wheels. Sure glad them days are over!
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