Tired of 3 way?


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2010
Stateline Nevada
Are you tired of your 3 way 1.9 fridge, thinking of buying a 2 way, live in the Sacramento or Reno area? Well go ahead and buy your 2 way and you can sell me your 3 way! It will be like a down payment towards your 2 way. Christmas is right around the corner so buy yourself that 2 way now!
Are you tired of your 3 way 1.9 fridge, thinking of buying a 2 way, live in the Sacramento or Reno area? Well go ahead and buy your 2 way and you can sell me your 3 way! It will be like a down payment towards your 2 way. Christmas is right around the corner so buy yourself that 2 way now!

I'm going to do just that....but my 3-way is a 3.0 sized fridge. I live in Livermore.
Too bad you are not looking for a 1.7 cf version and were closer to San Diego. I pulled mine out and have been trying to sell it since. Works perfect on all three methods. $175

You coming down south?
Too bad you are not looking for a 1.7 cf version and were closer to San Diego. I pulled mine out and have been trying to sell it since. Works perfect on all three methods. $175

You coming down south?

I've seen your ad with your fridge before but that's a bit too far South for me to travel at this time : ( 175 is a price I would definitely pay though.
I'm going to do just that....but my 3-way is a 3.0 sized fridge. I live in Livermore.

I looked up the 3.0 models and they seem way too large for my little space.
I'm amazed that no one in this tidy little band of perverts has commented on the obvious.

Ha Ha! Yes, now that you mention it that does seem like a poor choice of wording on my part!
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