Trash Problem

The problem is not limited to Oregon. I am amazed at how filthy people are! We had people throwing used gloves and masks in parking lots instead of walking to a trash can. I see trash everywhere... We were brought up in an age where respect was the norm. Not anymore.... :(
Ugh. I have avoided the popular boondocking sites near Bullhead City and elsewhere in the southwest for just these reasons. It seems a sizeable fraction of dispersed campers are of a 'use it up and then move on' mentality. Ah well, it causes me to redouble policing my own remote camping sites.
Garbage is one of the most frustrating things to me. I wonder if the trash tossers have any intention of returning to that location. I also wonder what their homes look like.

A friend of mine has ATVs and we have gone camping in a dispersed camping area frequented by dirt bikers, ATVers, families in tents and travel trailers, etc. I also was knocked upside the head (metaphorically speaking) with my particular form of bigotry. For some reason I had always figured motorized recreation = garbage and lack of respect. At least in this case I was wrong. These campsites were cleaner than just about any place I have ever driven to. After conversations with several different groups I realized that many of these folks live nearby, they love the area and come back over and over and over again. They seem to have taken up a kind of ownership and responsibility for keeping their special place clean. I think that kind of attitude is key to stemming the tide of garbage and closures.

It is also heartening to see entire families out camping but that is another topic.
This story reminds me of the commercial showing garbage thrown at a Native American Indians feet. I think it aired back in the 70’s. I remember the tear running down his face. I think it needs resurrecting, maybe it could shame some people.
I saw a documentary on polluters. They said Iron Eyes Cody was an industry invention intended to get people to focus on the consumer aspect of pollution rather than industry itself. Like what a shame someone tossed a disposable bottle on the ground instead of focusing on whether we should be making disposable bottles in the first place.

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