Trip ideas: Northern California, Eastern Oregon and Northern NEVADA


Senior Member
Feb 3, 2011
Bellingham, WA
Well, here we sit, still trying to decide where to travel for about 2-3 weeks after having to forego Utah. This is what as have planned for the next few days: Baker Lake area off Hwy 20 to rockhound, Frenchman's Coulee for photography, Channeled Scablands, Columbia River around Tri-Cities area to look for red agates, then down into Oregon to see what the Painted Hills and Sheeprock units look like in the fall. From there possibly east of Prineville to rockhound. Now, I am stumped. It will all depend on weather. We have been to Steens, Alvord, Fort Rock, Crack in the Ground, Hart Mountain. Maybe we will head over to the Owyhee area as we have not been there for awhile. And, maybe the rattlers are sleeping or gone to ground as they say in Lakeview.

Any ideas? Obscure, ghost towns, historical interest, photography? Those are our interests. Moderate hiking, gravel roads?
Judy, there are a couple of BLM campgrounds just beyond The Painted Hills. There is one I would be cautious of (Priest Hole?) in wet weather, but they're all on the John Day. The roads at the unit itself can be slick if wet. You can take the road from service creek to Fossil, to see some interesting country.

The area around Sumpter is interesting (dredge and steam train), and you might still get fall color there. One of the areas I want to photograph is in the Blue Mountains between Pendleton and Anthony lakes. The Pendleton end has big vistas of open hills and conifers.

Another area might be Leslie Gulch and Succor creek in the Owyhee area, but the roads can be really slick there.

South Warners? Charles Sheldon NAR?

Have fun!

Around here in NE CA/SC Ore and NW Nevada the wind/snow and rain times are a starting --meaning slick roads and lot's of areas will get interesting soon! Try the Lava Beds NP- the roads are paved there and the main office/CG should be still open. The Lower Klamath Lakes NWR/Tule Lake areas are next store-lot's of birds to see and photo there. If you luck out. the Medicine Lake /Glass Mountain area may also be open too-but check with Modoc NF and the BLM ! The summer time crowds should also be gone. Lot's of lakes with dry CG's there but make sure you gas up every time you have a chance. They are calling for high wind warnings and rain this week but that's why we have are pop-ups for-right! I was thinking about maybe heading up to Res. C/F on the Devils Garden area myself but not if it rains because that area gets real bad if it rains, so maybe I'll head south! Same weather problems with the Warners/High Rock/Black Rock Areas-just got to be careful with the weather out there! Good luck!

There's a nice small lake about 5 miles from Medicine Lk.
Called Bullseye,it's a dry camp with just a vault toilet.
Nice and quiet. There is a lot of lava formations in the area.Glass mountain is one.
Good roads to travel on. You can get to the area through Lava Beds NM.
Two years ago we were in northern CA late season and stayed at Lava Beds NM which was quiet and not full. We explored the lava tubes (bring LED flash lights so your batteries last) and hiked up two cones for nice views. Just south of Lava Beds are gravel roads with volcanic features to explore.
Yep-Bullseye Lake was my next choice if rain drove me out of the Devils Garden area. Lot's of places to see and explore from there and if things get bad, there are the CG's at Lava Beds or Medicine Lake! Still may go up there but that still depends on the weather and those clouds sure look black and Tuesday is supposed to be bad. What ever, I'm making a pot of red beans and hamhocks to get me through the weather and on the road then I go where ever "Bob" wants to drive to-could be north-could be south :D !

I am glad to see this topic, as I am planning on heading that way next week. The weather report looks much better than this week, but it puts me after the Nov. 1 closure date for many of the campgrounds. I haven't been to Lava Beds in 35 years, but I doubt if it has changed much. That is sort of the neglected corner of California.

So keep the hints coming. Interests: geology, bird watching, and abandoned barns.
I am be a bit too late on this recommendation. But if not, I recommend you stop at Kam Wah Chung State Park in John Day and take a tour. I was amazed when I visited. It is an incredible story.
Ooopps, we didn't have great cell signals so didn't return to this site until after we returned. Plus, we have a new plan and only 2 gb of data to share among 3 devices. But, I have noted your ideas and will incorporate on future trip.

Yep, we got the rain which made exploring problematic. Yes, we can get those mucky clay roads in eastern Washington that stick to your rig like cement. We tried to explore the Duffy Douglas and Frenchmans Coulee area but too foggy, rainy and mucky. So, paved roads for awhile (Sun Lakes, etc). We did make it up and down an 18% and 16% grade gravel road to the Columbia River but it was a good road as orchardists lived there. A little hairy but no skidding and the view!

We also checked out Prineville area and Sweet Home for agates but rivers too high. We drove through the coast range via 36 and 126 to Florence and scored on agates along the Oregon coast. Mostly we boondocked except for a BLM Campground on the John Day (Donnelly something) for $2.50 and Lost Lake off 20 for $4. Then we splurged along the Oregon coast at a Devils Lake state park at gasp $21 as good gravel srams are nearby. Under $50 for almost 3 weeks for camping. We have two secret Boondock spots along Oregon coast less than two miles off road. But, hard to Boondock along 101.

Lots of places to check out in the future. Thanks for sharing.

Our campsites varied from gravel pits, rest stop on 36, hunters dispersed campsites, ORV staging area near Sweet Home, USFS roads, and 6 Washington state parks for which, after paying $75, allows you to camp for free from October thru March and Sun thru Thurs in April. We have already used it 7 times.

Happy trails.
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