trip over 4 weeks great 1 day bad!


Senior Member
May 18, 2007
la quinta calif
Just a short report on our trip through Cal,Org,Idaho,Nevada.
Had a great time,exploring,hiking, sight seeing,fishing,
A few pictures will follow.
The reason for short report? We were headed back to the lone pine area to spend our last week or so doing some more in depth exploring of the area.
So we set up our base camp at a blm campground (Tuttle creek).Unloaded the motorcycle to use for exploring,took a ride to town to get map at visitor center on road to death valley,great selection of maps books info on area,on the way back we came up the old tuttle creek road and as we rounded the last corner(the ranch that Hop-a-long Cassidy built way back when)as we came over the hill at about 30 miles a hour the owner of the ranch was opening a stock gate with the help of her 40-50- pound cattle dog who deceided we were not welcome came across the 10 feet of road did not slow at all and hit our front tire,down we went,lots of road rash,wife dislocated knee scraped up leg,she was lucky as when we went down she landed on me,saved her rear but added to my bad luck as i ended up with dislocated left wrist and finger,deep road rash neck to toe.Cracked my helmet tore my high top boot off,tore my left glove off and to add insult to injury bent the forks on our dual sport,tore thortle off brake handle off,pulse anything sticking out.
Spent the rest of day in lone pine E.R.(really great people who work there),never lost their since of hummer as they dug gravel out of me.
First road wreck in 53 years of riding road bikes (spills in dirt do not count!
We are not mad,sad,but glad we did not suffer any major injuries what happened is now past and we will recover with no damage and ready to continue our journey.(also maybe i can talk the wife into a new bike instead of fixing old one!)
Anyway thats the story, now a few pictures.
Drive slow and enjoy "it the journey"
Les and Virginia,Lqhikers
trip pictures

1 sign on road in back road in Oregon (wish it had been posted in Lone Pine!)
2 Gold driegge in Sumpter Oregon.
3 Hells canyon on the snake river Oregon/Idaho border.


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1 Fire look out on the way to deadwood res in Idaho
2 Dagger falls on east fork? of Salmon River Idaho
3 just a normal fish day at Slate creek/Salmon River Idaho
4 Camp sit on Salmon River (very few campers this year must be the gas prices)
5 My chance to see what catching a big salmon would look like in a picture!


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Very sorry to hear about your accident, but glad you are both doing well now. Just bad luck it seems. Sounds like a great trip before the doggy destruction derby, thanks for sharing.
more pics

1 Elk crossing river Salmon near North Fork on the Salmon Idaho
2Same elk
3 big horn sheep on Panther creek near Shoup Idaho
4 same sheep
5 hot spring in Idaho


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last pics of trip

1 White horse hot springs near Oregon/Nevada border in the Alvarod desert
2 same
4 a nice quite spot in a remote valley in eastern Oregon,just a little fixing and it would be ready to move into!
Thats the trip
drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Les Lqhikers


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Aw, Les--


Those dang cow dogs are very territorial plus they don't see many strangers...

I desire to have your gracious attitude even more than you fab skills!

Thanks for posting, bro'

Hi Les

Sorry to hear about you misfortune with that Cattle Dog :eek: If it was a Queensland Healer they can be quite a handfull and are'nt real friendly towards outsiders. Had a friend who was a Forester up in Mendocino that had a Healer which rode on the back of his quad that he used for a Mountain Lion alarm. Have to admit that they are one tough dog. Glad the rest of your trip was nice and as always thanks for the nice pics and write up. If all goes well I will be in the Eastern Sierra for ten days at the end of Sept/Oct.

tread lightly :thumb:


Terrible misfortune, but great attitude:thumb:. I would rather have your fab skills though:D.

Glad there were no serious life changing injuries..



Well, yeah, TT, 'cause you already HAVE a great attitude. What about the rest of us?

Great pictures

As always Les, great pictures of what sounds like a great trip. Sorry to hear about your accident. I must say you have a better attitude that I probably would.
Bat, thats a tough one. Much as I/we love mine, they definitely aren't the way to go for a lot of people. I really hate to recommend one to people who aren't tent campers. If you and your and significant other like to spend a lot of time inside a more luxurious camper might be a better bet.

I love mine and pop the top any chance I get, but I realize many if not most people, nowadays at least, want more creature comforts than an fwc/atc provide.
tough dog!

The woman who was the owner took us to the e.r. in Lone Pine,after we were released we went back to have dual sport loaded back on trailer,we all wondered what happened to the dog who ended up in the scrub brush along the road.No dog so she went back to her ranch and damm dog was sleeping on porch,she checked her over and all she found was a bruise on her hip,lucky dog.
The impact must of knocked her out for awhile.
After refecting on crash we have come to the conclusion that boots helments gloves long pants and shirts are not enough,even at the level we now ride,so am going to invest in sets of lite weight body armor.
(sure is boring waiting to be able to move freely!)
Drive slow and enjoy "its the journey"
Les, Lqhikers
I got knocked off my triumph while commuting home by a nonsignaling teenager in VW bug a couple months back, full gear saved my hide but lost the ride.

Keep up the positive attitude, brother.:thumb:

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