Trucks for an Alaskan Camper

MD...there are some threads about "Dog World" but keep in mind the design should be SAFE for your pet. Any design that does not allow for the dog to be secured in the event of a drastic braking action or even worse, perhaps rear ending someone....will launch your BF forward and could cause severe injury or worse...

Depending on how you design it, there may be some extra storage created under a platform for spares, canned goods, laundry, dog food, etc. if that is how you intend to create it. I think some kind of harness would accomplish that.

Please do a photo post on how your design and build "Dog Kingdom" as others can benefit from your experience in anchoring it and safely transporting your BF.
You're spot on, Pack Rat.

I want make a low platform where I can store the dog ramp ( tall truck, dog w/bad knees ), then his seating/bedding above that. He has a car harness already, but I'll have to figure out how to utilize that sans the seats. Another member w/dogs has put up a strong net/webbing between the front and back seats of their truck, the dogs can stick their snouts through it but shouldn't crash through. I definitely want to copy that!
Remember that a 75 lb dog will weigh several hundred lbs if you ran into something and it was "launched" into the netting. Design it so that you have padding across the "floor" of Dog World with storage for the ramp and other items under that and the padding extends UP at the front just about to the dog's chest. That way if the dog is laying down and you hit the brakes it will slide forward into the padding and not the back of the seat or pass through towards the dash if you have Captain's chairs up front with a console storage bin.

Maybe use the netting as a last resort and rely on a flat cushion for your BF to sit, rest, lie down on and extend some cushion up the back of both seats up front so there is that "snout sniffing" and place for your BF to check you and the happy highway out as you roll down the road.

I would still think about the harness set up that attaches to the seat belt in the pass seat for when you get off the highway and are going slow on the way to your camping spot...letting your BF relieve him/her self when you get off the major road and then get to ride up front with the window down would make them and you...happy campers.

My 1988 F-250 HD 4x4 XLT Lariat has no third door, it has a bench seat in the back that folds flat and has two captain's chair with a center console between them. You access the rear by tipping the pass seat forward. What kind of a set up does your F-250 have?

How have you figured out to get your BF into the camper and into the truck; use the same ramp? How does it get attached to either one or is it free standing?
I will be putting the padding over a thin storage area to hold the ramp, but hadn't thought about extending the padding upwards, which is a GREAT idea! Totally doing that.

The ramp is portable - folds up like a thin suitcase - and we've started to practice with it at home over the stairs. Thumbs up for the ramp so far. He needs to get used to steeper angles but Hooligan loves getting into vehicles because he knows it usually means something fun for him, so I'm not too worried about motivating him up the ramp into the truck! We drove from CA-CO a couple years ago and the dog got road tested, the boonies pit stops were a blast.

The xlt will have a fold-down console. I like having my dog in a seatbelt up front, though if there's a human passenger they might protest that arrangement ( but I don't mind ) :D

My last dog did manage to shift gears on the freeway while belted up...that's a story for later ..needless to say no living creatures or autos were damaged but it was an exciting moment to say the least


F350 xlt 4x4 diesel. Manual 4x4 shift, fog lights, carpet delete. Drove it off the lot through the nastiest local freeways right to a park, looked at birds and took a long quality nap in the front seats.

Due to my messy lifestyle - big dog, water sports, art supplies that fly in the air and splat like crumbs in the space shuttle - I invested in the utility bed. One look in my little car and ya'll see why...

Keeping this gal as long as she'll run with me :love: Next up is camper and dog kingdom mod in the back cab. Taking auto classes in the next year and two to help take care of her...

Thanks for the advice and for sharing the joy. Absolutely thrilled!!! :D
That is going to be one good looking combo, and really functional, too. If I didn't already have a truck, that one that you just got would be my choice... 1 ton utility bed, manual, diesel 4x4, extended cab, no carpet, and then an Alaskan on top... perfect!
He said it.....perfect... ;)


me too on the utility bed.....but this truck makes the blend between form and function nicely
Awesome Madison! Is that a special utility bed or one you can just order? Did you have to have a custom Alaskan to fit it? Can't wait for the couple to meet up!
The bed is a regular utility far as I reckon, but I asked Bryan @ Alaskan and he said they particularly liked the way AC fit with Skaug. Price was the same as others I checked, so I figured, let's do this right the first time. Not worrying about resale value definitely freed me up...can't help it...I get attached....

Re: carpet delete, I looked in the back seat of my Civic and noticed a tiny plant growing on the floor! Did I say I have a big dog who shakes IN the car? So yeah...carpet begone.

I think there's room for a few cigars in there somewhere
I too think the utility style body offers storage options you will appreciate down the line. "A place for everything, and everything in it's place". I think from the photo you have an 8' body so an 8' or 10' Alaskan would be fine since you bought "enough truck" for either! What have you decided to go with if I missed it....8 foot CO or 10 CO or a NCO?
8 CO, nice clean line. I also can't really justify that heated seats are 'practical', but, well, maybe they are....yeah....

If anyone has questions about the byzantinium Ford option packages, feel free to holler. I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to figure that out and tweaking it to my liking. I do wish I could have gone sans chrome but they lump things together.

Picture doesn't do justice to how large these newer models are. It's a battleship!
Cute ......(;-)

Now you'll need some led lights in those utility'd be surprised how dark they get when your trying to find something.....there should be an additional 12v plug coming off the trailer lanyard
Ooo another good idea, Rusty. I'm a big fan of headlamps...but then I forget the 'obvious place' where I put them!

Wheel base is 164.2". And it's so high up I have said it's like sitting in a hot air balloon, nice touch HappyJax :)
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