We have had a few people call in this last month worried that their Dometic 2-Way Refrigerators we not shutting off.
These people thought their refrigerator was broken and they needed to get it fixed. We walked them through a few steps over the phone, and it looks like they just weren't turning the knob far enough.
Like 2020 mentioned, these refrigerators will turn completely off if you turn the thermostat knob inside the refrigerator all the way down, and then keep turning (with a little extra force) until the knob actually "clicks" to the OFF position. When this happens, the bright interior refrigerator light will shut off and the refrigerator compressor motor will also turn off, but the small green LED light will stay lit. The green LED light is there just to let you know the refrigerator is hooked up to 12 volt power. At this point, the refrigerator compressor motor should not come back on. If you are going to be storing the camper for periods of time and not using it, it is always best to shut off the 12V Master Kill Switch located in the kitchen cabinets. When all power supplies have been disconnjected, the green LED light will also shut off.
We are going to try and have our service techs cover this is better detail during the camper walk-through.
Hope this helps.
Thank you.