TV In Your Camper?

I rarely watch TV at home, so I see no reason to have one in my camper. I do like having cell reception, for text and internet connections. For downtime, I will read, tie flies, surf, communicate with friends and family, research interesting topics on the internet, and most important, just reflect: spend time thinking about where I have been, where I am going, and who am I becoming.
JHa6av8r said:
We don't have a TV and very rarely turn on music when camping. My goal is to not be in contact with anything outside, no phone, no internet, no generators near by.
Same here. For us, the sole purpose of getting out is to disconnect. We do listen to music on our phones once in a while and use the white noise sound app for my daughter. At night we just chat or just stare into the fire or the stars above.
I guess I'm of similar mind to JaSAn. When I was twenty (a long, long time ago) my grandmother gave me her old TV when she got a new one. In the year that I owned it I never made the time to watch it so I left it to the next tenant when I moved out. I haven't owned one since.

When we are camping there are sunsets to watch, fish to catch, trails to hike, journals to write, ruins to explore, photographs to take, maps to study, meals to cook, guitar to play, dominoes to play, and stars to gaze upon. We probably wouldn't find time to watch a TV.
I rarely watch TV at home. We disconnected the sat dish several years ago. Just local on an antenna and the occasional movie on netflics. If I didn't have one in the house it would probably take a while for me to even notice. No interest when camping. I've spent my life working in tech. 3 monitors on the desk for years. Off work I avoided it except for a bit of the web at home. The older I get the more of a Luddite I become. I like maps not aps.
I use my laptop. I keep a USB flash drive with a bunch of movies in my silverware drawer so I always have something to watch in case I am out of 4G coverage.
I must admit I follow the stock market so I use a satellite and "Dish" for my tv. But I am on the road for 3 or 4 weeks and it's entertainment at night. I use a Winegard portable satellite that you just point it to the south, plug it in and it does the rest. You can use other options as far as the provider but with Dish it allows HD tv with a smaller satellite. Has worked out pretty well, the only problem I have had is with the provider, but just before I leave I call tech-support (which is very fast) and tell them to send me a "hit" which is the newest default for the system and by the time I set up camp and aim the unit, it's there. Probably use it a lot more than I should, I sometimes think I have forgotten how to read.
We have a '94 FWC Grandby and were children in the eighties so we like to fall asleep to a movie and then watch news in the morning. I bought a 20" LED LCD smart tv with a tiny dvd player. It weighs next to nothing, is very thin, uses less than 200 watts of power and has a nice picture. It was like $150 I think. It being new, you can also just plug in a thumb drive with whatever you want to watch or use the wireless internet apps if wireless is available. I have an indoor antenna for local stations now and may explore an outside option if it is discreet and able to be mounted nicely. We also rent dvd's from the redbox once in a while. When it rains, there are several options that way, if necessary, and lazy movie mornings are always nice as well. I love the wilderness as much as the next guy, but for us having the tv makes our time away that much more comfortable and makes rain days a little more bare-able.
I was wishing I'd brought my laptop last outing when the rain kept me in. I can only read so much. I do miss news while I'm away. Sort of.
We don't have one and would never have time to turn it on. Usually when we are out in the camper, we are so tired, all we can do is read a few pages of a book and bam, we're out. Not sure we'd have room to put a tv in the camper and then you'd need some type of dish or antenna which would even take more room.
I am too well connected at home, 70" flat screen. In the camper we have I phones. I watched the end of the NCAA basketball finals on the I phone from a BLM campground in Lincoln NM. I just gave up my old flip phone for a I phone and they had a deal on an Ipad. Have not used but will be nice to watch the news depending on where we camp.
I take a small portable DVD player and a couple of old movies along every time. I can always have silence by not using it, but if I want to it's there.
We just use the lap top for about an hour or so.Watch some of the BBC shows on DVD.
But it uses a lot of battery so during the day it gets charged while traveling or sitting in the sun.
Nature is usually more exciting,but when it gets dark early it does give something else to do along with reading.
No TV travels with me. I have Satellite radio for news and weather. If I'm in need of entertainment I turn on the AM/FM and dial in a truly local station. Pretty rare I leave home without a book or two.
I have a 5 year old boy that goes camping with me and while the goal is to unplug on a trip I bring an iPad loaded with movies and games for the drive to and from and if we get rained in. I have a pocket projector and a screen I set up in my camper and blows it up to 50 inches . The projector is an asus and isn't that much larger foot print then an iPhone. Holds a charge of 3 hours or you can use a little inverter. The projector is led so it hardly uses any power at all.

Sent from my iPad using Wander The West
I really bought into this "TV in your computer" idea. (After all, Sioux and I watch the local news and Jimmy Fallon's monologue almost every night at home.) So we bought all sorts of Leaf antenna's and boosters, etc and guess what? We've never bothered to hook any of it up when we are actually camping! (We do carry a selection of DVD's we buy garage sales for 1.00 to never more than 2.00!)
No TV for us and I've found I can get then news we driving home. We have a 7 year old son. We do take an iPad and of course our phones. The iPad has ebooks for me and a few games. We play cards and board games. The goal is to keep it simple.


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