Use the Force, Luke!

I'm going to blindfold the Lady, take her outside, turn her around several times, and have her point where she thinks north is and the repeat several times; our own little homemade experiment. When we are done, I know she'll want to do it to me. It will be something fun to do get us through another sloppy, snowing, wet day.

I enjoyed the article, thanks for bringing it to our attention. :)

My take, of course we can feel the workings of the earth around us. It's our home. Most are just multitudes of generations away from using/trusting/honing these long lost skills.
ski3pin said:
...My take, of course we can feel the workings of the earth around us. It's our home. Most are just multitudes of generations away from using/trusting/honing these long lost skills.
Yeah, I think that makes sense. And studies of birds' navigation give enough evidence of a magnetic "sense" that we don't need to believe in anything mystical or "alternative" to buy into this. did your experiment go? Still analyzing the data?
I spent most of my adult life doing experiments...and the results weren't real until I made a PowerPoint slide about it. :D
MarkBC said:
—snip— did your experiment go? Still analyzing the data?
I spent most of my adult life doing experiments...and the results weren't real until I made a PowerPoint slide about it. :D
We used to say that status reports going up the management chain got filtered through multiple application of PowerPoint until all actual status content was removed. :p

PaulT said:
We used to say that status reports going up the management chain got filtered through multiple application of PowerPoint until all actual status content was removed. :p

It wasn't unusual for a manager to say: "I want a slide that shows..." And at least one person heard "...thatshows" as "nachos". So from then on we referred to a manager-requested slide as a "nachos slide".
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