Vehicle Safe


Advanced Member
Mar 27, 2008
Has anyone out there seen a console safe for a T100. I have a 1998 with bucket seats and would like to find a console safe that fits that truck.
I have a Tuffy console in my Scout and because I have seen the inside of the design, I could break into it provided I was given enough time; they are made very well.

As Jay points out, 'if "they" can get into your truck, "they" can get into the safe.' Nothing is fool proof, but the Tuffy will slow them down and hopefully cause them to look for easier pickings.
I have a console safe in my Dodge. I guess given enough time anyone could get in, but I still feel safe with my valuables stored in there. Beats any other place in the truck for security.

By the way, I bought mine through Costco. Go to Costco on line, then find the console vault, and Costco's web site will re-direct you to the CV web site to choose the correct vault. You save about $50.00 buying through Costco.
Has anyone out there seen a console safe for a T100. I have a 1998 with bucket seats and would like to find a console safe that fits that truck. has a console safe for a Tundra, but I don't know if they have something that may be compatible with the T100.

Good luck.

I picked up one of these lock boxes plus an extra sleeve. One sleeve is mounted in the camper and the other in the Jeep. The box locks shut then locks in the sleeve. It's not very big but will hold a wallet, phone, I-Pod etc. I bought it for transporting a small handgun.
You could contact Gary Wescott here
He's a great guy and responds to e-mail pretty quick. Anyway he has had the same company make a custom console for his last two rigs that has a secret quick open compartment for a hand gun and a console safe built in. Might be pricey but sounds pretty slick. I don't travel with a gun (although if I was going some of the places he has I would) but I imagine a separate hidden compartment could come in handy for traveling with other valuables.

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