Vicarious Canoe Trip - Lake Superior

Hey Sage

Hope and I volunteered at a lighthouse on Sand Island in the Lake Superior National Seashore one year and took the two Kleppers.

The water and surroundings really are as beautiful as in the video you shared.

Have you gotten your Long Haul double wet yet ?

David Graves
Cool! I didn't realize Superior was the world's largest freshwater lake by area. I would have guessed Lake Baikal and been wrong by 50,000 square kilometers.

We did mineral exploration work along Superior's south shore and it is indeed a spectacular body of water and a spectacularly beautiful coastline, and can be a killer of the unprepared or the foolish.

We live near Duluth, MN and have circumnavigated the lake by boat and camper over the years. Isle Royale National Park has held my heart for 54 years and hundreds of trips out there. The area in the video is incredibly beautiful. I want to visit the west but have a difficult time leaving Lake Superior. Someday......................
Happy trails, Bigfoot Dave

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