Warner Mts. Labor Day 2011: MarkBC View

I came back to an absolutely nutty week at work (my last week as an employee before I become self employed
). I am working on my photos and a short overland video, post it when I got it.
Home Skillet

Take your time, HS -- first things first (i.e., work).

Don't let this retired slacker be a bad influence on you productive folk.
What a great travelogue Mark, outstanding nature shots too. It was nice to HS's rig in action after following the build for so long. Sweet mini rally, way to go guys and gal.
Great report Marc and as usual awesome photos! Please reserve a slice of pecan pie for me at the next rally :)
Thanks for the nice comments, all.

I enjoyed putting together the report, linking together what would otherwise just be a bunch of photos in my computer.
And it's a way to help me remember where all that truck-fuel-money went.

DD: OK...maybe I'll make two pies.

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