Water filter install


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I've been wanting to do this for a while now. Didn't seen anything suitable at the hardware stores. Found a universal model at B&L trailer nearby. Camping world would have been a better choice but they're darn near an expedition to get to :)

Unfortunately FWC used 1/2" Pex tubing in my camper. Why so big? No idea but it sure made this project more difficult. The filter came with a bunch of fittings. None of which would do what I needed. Off to the hardware store. One of those old fashioned small ones where people actually know something. Good thing too since we had to use three different sections of the store to round up all the fittings I would need. A small fortune in brass and its ready to be installed. Clean out under the sink. It needed a good cleaning and reorganizing anyway. Cut the pex. Hope I got the cold water and not the hot. Luckily I did. The pex was very stiff but I used my heat gun on it that helped a lot getting the fittings into it. I had planned on mounting it but it turned out not to be necessary.

The top hose I had to use a piece of clear tubing to get it to fit.

While I was at it I cleaned the drain and fixed my curtain problem thanks to Ted.

Also tossed a runner in on top of my existing carpet. I'd still like to get a piece that fits better but this will make it easier to clean in the short term.

You may have noticed the filter is not going to be easy to replace. Not my best bit of engineering there but its supposed to last a year and considering how little I use it I expect to get a few years out of it before I'll have to deal with it again.
It didn't need it, between the stiff pex on the bottom and the piece across the filter it in there good but, since I was in cleaning mode and cleaned up my workbench afterwards, I found a perfect sized clamp so I went ahead and put it on.
Hmmm, I never did try a taste. I drained the tank while I was at it and never got it refilled.
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