Water System Plugged

P.S. Stan, I did dissasemble the filter at the pump when I replaced the pump, clean and tight!!

I'm really hoping it is crud in the faucet, not looking forward to the check valve scenario.

Hey Brad (digger289)

Was that you that came in a day or so ago to the service dept. ?

Someone rolled in with a Std. Cab, Long Bed Tundra with the Kestrel with the same problem.

I didn't get the full scoop from Chicali in service yet, but it sounded like the anode rod in the hot water tank was due for changing. The crude from that had plugged the check valve inside the camper.

If you store water in the hot water tank all the time and don't drain it when the camper is not in use, I think it eats up the rod a bit faster than usual.

It is an easy replacement and should be less than $ 20.00.

Just a note for newer customers -- we don't use the check valve anymore in the camper.

Originally we thought it was needed, but soon after found it wasn't really needed. The check valve just seemed to be over kill and a pain for us to deal with.

The water pump acts as the check valve now -- it will keep the water from flowing back into the fresh water tank.

Not installing the check valve will save everyone some head aches.

Thanks for all the great replies!

Sorry I havn't checked in sooner,

Pvstoy, what is the door under the fuse panel between the tie down openings? Do I want one?

Thanks everyone!

Brad that little cabinet is custom made. The access pannels slide inside on the back side. Just more storage area that helps.

Stan thanks for the infomation on the check valve not being installed. What month did the stop of the install?
Outside shower

I don't know about your shower. I don't have one. My trailer has a seperate valve assembly for the showere. Is that the way yours works? If so, try cleaning the shower head first. I think there is a valve in the shower head the might might have stuff in it.

No, I talked to Chicali on the phone from our home in S.W. CO. (Durango) Please let me know what you would do to re-route lines/replace the check valve after pulling the check valve out of there. Just a T fitting??
Do you have a picture of the suspect check valve in a partially assembled camper? (similar to the above shots?)


My suspicion is the blockage is upstream of the shower and faucet, (check valve) but I will try taking the plug out of the WH and turning on the pump this weekend. If it pumps water out of there, then maybe the faucet valves are plugged up and the shower is downstream of the faucet. That just seems weird though, how would a plugged faucet be keeping the shower from working? (I obviously am not able to see the hose routing)

I will finally have time to work on this soon. Thanks for all the replies!
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