Waterfalls and Sandstone Quarries


Senior Member
May 25, 2011
Another trip report with a lot of water. This is a theme for us this year. We are currently experiencing record rainfall amounts here in Minnesota. We had nearly 5 inches of rain in our rain gauge this morning and considerable flooding in the neighborhood. More heavy rain is coming tonight. :eek: For us, there is no flood danger but we are concerned for others less fortunate.

I hope you enjoy the report.

Thanks Al for the trip.
Nice pictures.
Is that area some of what had a lot of flood damage in 2012?
We enjoyed out visit through some of that area in 2012.
Glad you aren't having any flood issues.
Send some water our way.
Frank, you are right. Sandstone was one of the communities affected in 2012. These extreme rain events are happening more frequently. I wish we could send some water your way.
It sure is enjoyable to see the upper Midwest again through your blog stories. Bet it felt good to get the camper back on and ready for the road. When's the next trip?

Best not say anything more about your ample water, someone will figure out a way to steal it from you!
Thanks for sharing abundant water stories for those of us in the parched west! Those rock formations look pretty cool.
Sure is nice to have a refuge for the dog and the rest of us when the weather turns nasty.
Thanks for the comments guys.

I feel for you all suffering through the drought. We could afford to send some water out to you- we are setting all-time records for rain this year. But I hear El Niño is going to make things right for the West soon. Seems like just a short time ago we were suffering from drought here too.

ski3pin said:
... When's the next trip?
Today I'm heading up to Grand Marais, MN with Urban Boatbuilders for the annual wooden boat show at North House Folk School. I'll post some pics when I get back. After that- it's still under discussion. :)

https://www.facebook.com/UrbanBoatbuilders (you can see this link without logging into facebook).
It appears I missed a lot when I lived in the Midwest. I should have headed north more often, but I was a grad student slave at the time and didn't know better. Enjoyed your trip report!
Bosque Bill said:
Thanks. I enjoyed your report and all the photos.
highz said:
It appears I missed a lot when I lived in the Midwest. I should have headed north more often, but I was a grad student slave at the time and didn't know better. Enjoyed your trip report!
Thanks guys. highz- there are nice places everywhere, right? No way to see them all. That's why I like the trip reports on WTW. :)
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