We Lost a Giant Today

What a life he lived! He participated in so much history and with such a sense of community. He will certainly be missed and remembered.
He's probably writing a song with Woody right now, addressing some injustice in Heaven. I'm glad they mentioned his interest in environmental issues.
Saw him with The Weavers in the 60's at The Ashgrove. I saw many great artist there but he reigned supreme. America has lost it's conscience and it's troubadour.
Grew up listening to him and i think I still have some old records; boy makes me feel old, wonder how many of these new generation kids even know who he was. Blowing in the wind!

We at the "Casa" household will sure miss Pete.We saw him many times along with Arlo.Still see Arlo when he comes near by.
Now the recorded music will have to fill in.I dust off my old "33's" and CD's to listen.
Yes a great man.
I was just listening to Pete and Bruce Springsteen and a crowd singing "This Land is Your Land" at the 2009 inauguration. It's a Woody Guthrie song, actually, but that's not important. One of the verses they sang isn't often heard, and it reminded me of the folks at WtW:

As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
highz said:
I was just listening to Pete and Bruce Springsteen and a crowd singing "This Land is Your Land" at the 2009 inauguration. It's a Woody Guthrie song, actually, but that's not important. One of the verses they sang isn't often heard, and it reminded me of the folks at WtW:

As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said "No Trespassing."
But on the other side it didn't say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
Hmmm, does anyone know if we have an "official song yet? Sounds like an idea!

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