What? Another Death Valley Trip

Awesome trip report as usual. I like the fact that you all have been there enough times that you can explore the smaller, more out of the way, things that those only going to the park once might pass by.
Someday, in the far far future, someone will find a popup camper in some lonely location and be just as excited about.

Not sure if I want it to be mine our not!
Edgewood said:
Someday, in the far far future, someone will find a popup camper in some lonely location and be just as excited about.

Not sure if I want it to be mine our not!
The solar powered fridge will still be running and there will be Pliny the Elder beers, still cold. Of course, by then they may resemble a biology experiment.. ;)

Great stuff! We knew you two had something special planned but no idea of what or where. Wow! As Ted (in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure) would say, Excellent!
Great, but short, report. You are fortunate to have done the DV tour hike. Kinda like winning The Wave lottery but better.
I'm excited...heading out tomorrow for the promised land. Can't wait to see the stars again.
Great report Ski-and great finds. You should have been an archaeologist-you would have fit right in! Come to think of it -lot's of folks on this site are of that mind bent :love: !

Very cool that you got to go on the tour, and that you found the piece of history you were looking for. Oh, and you are right about Jupiter rising in the east in the evening.
Very interesting shots. Like the wagon"parts"reminds me of the river boat graveyard just outside of the campground on the west bank of the Yukon River at Dawson City.
Thanks Ski for the journey.
So glad you won the lottery and a plus finding the wagon. Wow. and as always, great photos. Wonderful night sky.
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