What just happened?


Mar 15, 2008
NE Calif/NW Nev
Something just happened to me that could really mess up some future "WTWing", so I thought I'd pass along this story to the WTW gang.

On Monday, I got a letter here to my PO Box here in California from some law firm/collection outfit in Texas saying that they had been contracted to collect some overdue traffic fines (speeding in a construction zone and no valid registration) from some town in Florida in the amount of $900.00 or so bucks and if I did not pay "forthwith" a traffic warrant could be issued for my arrest and I could possibly lose my drivers license! What, well # 1, I've never been in that town in Florida before in my life and #2, I have been to Florida (on the other coast)once in my life and that was in 1969. Okay, is this some type of scam or something or should I be worried. I'm no lawyer, but I know that if some traffic warrant is issued and I am stopped out WTWing somewhere for a bad tail light or something, I could have a bad real bad day! I checked the internet and both the town and law firm were listed, so I called up some law enforcement friends here in town and they said I had better contact the local LE and check to see if there are any scams out and about-but what ever I do, do not ignore this! Stopped by the local PD and no such scam was know to be around, but, "yes" call the traffic court or law firm and clear this up!

Okay, so I called the Florida traffic court and explained my situation and mentioned that I was 67, retired and was still driving. They asked my birth date and did I have a California Drivers Lin. and I said "yes". They then said "we will straighten this out "what is your phone number and we will call you right back", and they did. Yep you guessed it, the guy that been issued the tickets had the same first, last and Mi that I did, but he was born in 1982 and the his drivers license was from Georgia.

They then said they were sorry and would fix the problem and contact the Law Firm , clear up their own records and did I want some type of letter from them and I said no (a mistake??) just fix things up and they said they would. So I think I'll just wait and see if the law firm sends me an apology or something and no matter what I think I will carry the letter and any thing else they send me in my truck---just in case -ya never know ---I might get stopped for a tail light out in Eastern Oregon or someplace and that could sure mess up my day. Any comments, advise on what I should have done or not??

Smoke, I think you handled it correctly.

How on earth did you return to being 67? :p I wouldn’t mind rolling back a few years.

edit... I see you caught the typo.
Smoke, I hope this is all cleared up for you! From your report it appears this is a mix up with another person - possibly on the collections end.

But scams are popping up everywhere so we all need to be very careful. One rule I have is not trust anything and verify on my own. Even phone numbers for contacts. Because it is in an email or on a letter head, I independently verify everything.

I would want a letter from the collections firm and the agency that issued the tickets acknowledging the mistake and confirming it has been resolved, i.e. that you and Timber can wander freely!

Good luck with this.
Yep, sort of and interesting problem, ya known when told my best friend, sister and my brother-in-law (none of whom have had any real regular experience working with law enforcement) this story , they all said that they would have thrown the letter away and forgot about it-now they have second thoughts! Anyway what else can you expect in this pc driven world of today, where some one can type in your name and you could owe some money and go to jail :ninja:!

Even if its cleared up quickly it would still suck to get pulled over just because of a mix up. I think you should have taken the letter.
I would want a letter on official letterhead from both the county/township and from the Law Firm.

Even if a warrant was issued and unless you were in the issuing county or maybe one of the surrounding counties in Florida you would not be arrested. The cost of the extradition would not be worth it for such a low level warrant. If you got pulled over in Oregon the officer would probably mention the warrant then send you on your way.

The biggest inconvenience is in the off chance they actually file a warrant you might have a hard time getting your license renewed.
Agree with others get the letter they offered ,just in case.
You did the right thing by responding to this.

We all have to be aware of scams out there.
A good one over the phone is about your SSI/Medicare.
They make it sound you will loose your benefits if you don't provide
the info they want. It's a scam.Also another one is about your property taxes.
Beware out there.There's always someone ready to scam you.
If ever told you have a warrant and we are going to have to arrest you.
Be polite and tell the officer/officers, there is a problem on there end. You would like a Sargent or higher to double check. When the police make mistakes not clearing warrants or the warrants are processed incorrectly big nono could end up paying for your trip.

Starting the process early, informing LEO by asking for field supervisor to check is a big help. Police are people also and I would find it hard for police to mis-profile some old fart in a pop up camper.
Be polite and respectful.

Get the letter. I had one and didn't have with me when I was young. Got to sit on my hands in the back seat, and had to pay to get my car out of impound. DMV's mistake and it still cost me money that I didn't have.

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