What to do!


Senior Member
Mar 5, 2009
Crested Butte, CO
OK, it is now February. I start to get spring fever about now, hoping we are over the hump of ridiculous temperatures. My camper is stored in my garage for the winter, which is great. I don't want to deal with the snow removal had I stored it outside. The other night, my daughter came out to the garage and asked if I was coming in soon. I quickly gathered my self and joined her inside. When I sat down on the sofa she said, "Dad, should I start worrying about you? That is the third time in a week I found you millling around in the camper." I quickly told her I was fine and there was no need to send me to counselig just yet, and I was just organizing things in case the temps started to warm up, at which time I would consider taking my camper out of storage. Well, this morning it was -20 degrees. Yes, that is a negative sign in front of the 20!
I usually start flyfishing the second weekend in February, but if this continues......who knows. I guess my long winded rant is a way to vent my obvious desire to load the camper and get on with some warmer activities. Until then I have a nordic ski marathon on Saturday. I'm not sure I want to start a race at 8:00 am if it is 20 below zero, but what else can I do? My camper will still be in the garage.

Do any of you other seasonal campers go through this or should my daughter truely be concerned with my mental health?

Good camping.....when it happens!

I am definitely worried about your well being. Let me be the first to offer you a house swap to get you out of that nasty part of the country for a week :D
I am definitely worried about your well being. Let me be the first to offer you a house swap to get you out of that nasty part of the country for a week

Niiiiiiiice, You do live in Costa Rica right? Let's figure out the details!
Sounds like a little cabin fever going on in CO. Maybe you could get the camper ready to go.....go somewhere warm and sunny. I would say head south young man. There be warmth down there.

Up here in Seattle, it just rains all of the time. Most places within a days drive are covered in snow or it just keeps raining. Nice to have the camper, though, as it keeps me dry. I like to get out even in the bad weather and camp anyhow. Can always get some nice pictures somewhere, and it is a good time to relax in the camper if it is really that crappy. Always time to catch up on a few books. Maybe even some movies on the laptop. Cards with some friends. Just good to get out of dodge. I do hear ya. Of course, should you have a rare good weather day, man it often makes it so worth it.

Gotta remember to get out more. Is that not the reason I got this camper anyhow?

Such a forecast on this Ground Hog day!

I hear you about wanting, no, needing to hit the road. It's been cold and snowy down Durango way as well. The snow is certainly welcome water-wise, but instead of coming in nicely spaced, manageable doses, it's come in massive dumps. I'm bored. And it's been an exceptionally cold winter... though nothing like the Gunnison-Crested Butte. I'm itching for some SE Utah camping, but even Bluff has been getting snow. And... our camper is outside, and would require some major excavation to extract it from its icy bonds. For now, I'm living vicariously thru the TRs of others and looking forward to a warm up.

In "honor" of Groundhog Day and a certain amount of boredom, I came up with this...


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It's just been cold up this way, phird. We missed out on the dumps and could really use some snow here in the VV. I can see frickin grass in places.... not good.

My camper goes everywhere with me but with everyone else working (ha ha ha) and the kid still ih HS school time "away" is nil. I'd love to get out though....even in the snow! (can't let that stop ya or you'll never leave home..right?)

hopefully the pattern will change and we'll get a dump or two before this is all over.........

"Until then I have a nordic ski marathon on Saturday."?..................we'd have to load the camper on the truck and start driving now to join you!
<br />&quot;Until then I have a nordic ski marathon on Saturday.&quot;?..................we'd have to load the camper on the truck and start driving now to join you!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

So ski3pin....is the camper on your truck yet? C'mon over, the "Alley Loop" nordic event has gotta be one of the coolest events our town puts together. Notice I say event. It is actually a nordic qualifier for the Birkiebiner (sp), for those that are serious about it being a race. For us middle agers, it is a fun way to support our nordic center. We probably see up to three hundred participants between all categories. You can also see some of the most creative costumes out there as well. Overall, it is a big get together of nordic skiers that just want to have a fun time, enjoying a common love of the sport.

Hey mtn high, we too have missed the bulk of the snow the southern mtns. have seen. Skiing has been OK, but we definately need some big dumps for spring runoff. In the meantime, the temperatures as I mentioned have been abnormally low this year. Oh well, we'll see the change soon!
Niiiiiiiice, You do live in Costa Rica right? Let's figure out the details!

I live down the street from Rico's Tacos. Does that count?
Well, all yous guys. I know what I'm doing. I'm taking Dave's advice and getting out of CO and heading to sunny, southern NM and AZ. And maybe over to Old Mexico if the cold keeps drifting south.

I'm outta here this Sunday. Am packing now!
Paul, the Alley Loop sounds like a great time! Nope, the camper's not on the truck ...............but let's see....Colorado..........nordic skiing........fly fishing..............get the temps up around zero and it sure doesn't look like you got it so bad! It will be spring before we know it.........go sit it the camper. The Lady and I are heading out to ours now! And let's say it is for mental health!
Well, all yous guys. I know what I'm doing. I'm taking Dave's advice and getting out of CO and heading to sunny, southern NM and AZ. And maybe over to Old Mexico if the cold keeps drifting south.

I'm outta here this Sunday. Am packing now!

Hope you don't plan to go to either the Gila region or the Sacramento mountains, if you're trying to get away from snow.
Paul, the Alley Loop sounds like a great time! Nope, the camper's not on the truck ...............but let's see....Colorado..........nordic skiing........fly fishing..............get the temps up around zero and it sure doesn't look like you got it so bad! It will be spring before we know it.........go sit it the camper. The Lady and I are heading out to ours now! And let's say it is for mental health!

Of course, I am being somewhat melodramatic, but I do wish the temps would get a little warmer.....just a little. After living here for 34 years, I'm pretty sure I love this place, cold temps. or not! We definately learn to love the change of season.......no s. I am planning on some fly fishing after the Alley Loop this weekend, so yeah, I know I have it pretty good here in CB.

Low 30,s here with thick ice this weekend. I think I will go out in the front yard and see if I can get a Walleye dinner. I get a little jealous of you people out west,that is some beautiful country, but I don't have it too bad.
I will have to share some photos of Michigan's Upper Peninsula with you folks later this summer. I plan on taking the Daughter, dog, and camper up in July or August for a couple weeks.
Hope you don't plan to go to either the Gila region or the Sacramento mountains, if you're trying to get away from snow.

Thanks for the snow update, Highz. We got an inch overnight here and it seems more fell south in NM. I'd called Gila NF a few days ago and they said the road to the National Monument had washed out and the Monument was closed. No doubt there is now even more fresh snow in Gila and the other NM mountains.

Maybe I'll have to stick to the lower (and warmer?) deserts. Or perhaps another trip even farther south to Texas and Big Bend.
Thanks for the snow update, Highz. We got an inch overnight here and it seems more fell south in NM. I'd called Gila NF a few days ago and they said the road to the National Monument had washed out and the Monument was closed. No doubt there is now even more fresh snow in Gila and the other NM mountains.

Maybe I'll have to stick to the lower (and warmer?) deserts. Or perhaps another trip even farther south to Texas and Big Bend.

Here in the Sacramentos we've gotten over 200 percent of our normal winter snowfall. This is most definitely thanks to El Nino. I'm grateful for the snowpack, though. We need it. It's not -20 degrees here, either, and I think that makes it a little more bearable.

Look forward to your trip report, wherever it is.
<br />Fly Fishing ? Where and When ? Have camper will travel !!<br />
<br /><br /><br />

The Lower Gunnison River at the confluence of the Gunnison and the North Fork. I usually start fishing there the second weekend in February, and ooooh yeeaah, it can be very good that time of year. I am getting the shakes just thinking about it! As soon as the weather cracks, I'll be there.
Low 30,s here with thick ice this weekend. I think I will go out in the front yard and see if I can get a Walleye dinner. I get a little jealous of you people out west,that is some beautiful country, but I don't have it too bad.
I will have to share some photos of Michigan's Upper Peninsula with you folks later this summer. I plan on taking the Daughter, dog, and camper up in July or August for a couple weeks.


25 this morning in the short-grass prairie.

We all want to see those photos from the UP when you get up there this summer. Some of us started our wandering back your way, after all. And you should wander out to The West, one of these days.

How was your walley dinner?
Maybe I'll have to stick to the lower (and warmer?) deserts. Or perhaps another trip even farther south to Texas and Big Bend.

Big Bend is great, was there a few weeks ago and may head back next week. Warm and sunny here in Las Cruces, went running in shorts and a T shirt yesterday :D

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