What to do!


I hope to have that walleye dinner this weekend(if the walleye accepts my invitation). I did hunt out West once. A town in Wyoming. Can't remember the name, about 12 years ago. I loved it and hope to get back out again. Oh, Greybull, Wyoming, private property. My neighbor moved out near Casper a couple years ago, I hope to make it out for a visit sometime.
This year I am doing a 2 week U.P. trip.
Hey Phird, I really liked your original message. Thought I was the only nerd that spends hours tindering with my Hawk, usually out in the snow. I have it on the side of the house here in the Mile High City. Built a cover on a frame to try to keep the snow off to some extent. I reinforced the cover to keep the major snow dumps from caving the cover in,and so far it has worked. Any time my wife is looking for me, the first place she checks is out by the camper. Ready for spring about any time now. Enough of the cold and snow, including the 3 inches of "partly cloudy" I just cleared off the driveway. I spent January down in Tucson and they got tons of rain down low and snow up high. El Nino is doing a number on southern Arizona and New Mexico. Warmer weather cant come too soon for me.

Every Christmas I would sing "Driving through the snow... in a beat up Chevrolet.." to my kids. I wonder why they are so goofy now????
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