What You Need to Know... When You Gotta Go

Well thats pretty interesting. I've always use the Thetford toilet paper but after seeing that test I just may go get some Charmin.
Been using Angle Soft buy in bulk at WM has worked for a few years with no problems. It has safe for septic systems on the label. I also did a test 4 years ago with water to see if it would dissolve, it did and good to go.....
I'm of the opinion that TP like Theford, and especially anything Uncle Sam buys, is really 400 grit sand paper. We've used Charmin for years, but always feeling guilty about the impact on septic systems or the potential of clogging a black water tank. Guilt be gone..
220 grit and it gets grittier as you pull more off the roll. Engineered that way, I've been told. Have you noticed - I know you have - the large bars that the toilet paper roll is pushed onto, the kind you can never get the roll to roll on? Engineered that way to keep toilet paper use down and usually found on further out outhouses where resupply is not as often.
Wandering Sagebrush said:
I'm of the opinion that TP like Theford, and especially anything Uncle Sam buys, is really 400 grit sand paper.

ski3pin said:
220 grit and it gets grittier as you pull more off the roll.
How'dya think 3M gets rid of their reject sandpaper?

Advmoto18 said:
Since I suffer from a pilot syndrome related to pulling G's...I only use Scott's ULTRA Soft.
Remind me to tell you a story about a C119, pilot stories about high 'G's, Seattle Center and a hot mike. ;)
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