Where should we go?

Where should we go?

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Dec 10, 2006
By way of a little background, my wife and I decided that every 5th anniversary, we would try to take special trip. Shortly after getting married, we spent a few weeks traveling Europe and on our fifth anniversary we went to China for three weeks. Next year will be our 10th, so we are starting to plan for something. We've sort of narrowed it down to the three choices in the poll. Iceland or Argentina would be tourist type trips, not really adventures (in other words not trekking, overlanding, camping, etc., but more see the sights sort of thing) and be about 10 days. Our third option would be to take one or two multi-week roadtrips in the camper. Not very exotic since we use the camper a lot, but we don't get to take 2 weeks very often or get further than say about 500mi due to time constraints. I'm also not fond of flying. So, we're curious what WTWers might choose?
Depends on the time of the year - if it were in the late Spring I'd do southern Utah and hit all the usual suspects:

Capitol Reef
Pariah Canyon


If it were in the early fall I'd hit some of these spots but divide the trip up and spend half or 2/3 of it in Colorado.
Where are you located, when are you going, and what have you covered so far? DD is spot on, South/central Utah is superb and can easily be connected to the high country of the San Juans. Of course Alaska should be on the list, maybe fly in and cruise out and take the train while you are there! And for something quite different I just came back from Newfoundland, fly to St. John's and rent a car and explore, much more territory than Iceland but since Iceland's' economy has crashed prices have dropped and the exchange rate is much more favorable than it was. This year I have traveled from Perth, AU to Newfoundland plus CA, OR, NV, CO,UT, AZ, NM and a few others thrown in and have come to the conclusion the the Four Corners area has much geographic/geological diversity (and overall beauty) in a given area than almost anywhere on the planet.
Kinda piling on...but I've gotta endorse southern/south-east Utah, too. Draw a line between St. George and Green River (the town) and visit everything in Utah south and east of there :p .
I've decided and confirmed that it's my favorite overall area. I like rock -- there's a lot of very cool/interesting exposed rock. Cliffs, slot-canyons, spires, arches, mesas...
Brett is already an old hand at exploring Utah...

My vote? New Zealand. Wash a few Xanax down with some Crown Royal, get on a plane and go!
We're based in Denver and I've been to UT about 2-4x per year for the last 12yrs! Not that I won't go as much as possible, but we'd venture a little further this time, like say NV/CA/OR/WA. We would entertain a late winter/spring trip and a longer one next fall if we did a camper trip. Besides UT, we already spend a lot of time in NM too. Not really comfortable going to Mexico these days either.

New Zealand is out, if only because of the loooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg trip involved, but I hear ya! It's on the list.
Done New Foundland/New Brunswick
Alaska- someday, but not in the mood right now. At least until I've long forgotten about Palin :p Plus, I don't really fish and the idea of grizzlies makes the wife not willing to camp at all. I'd almost rather fly up there mid-winter and get one of those cabins designed for Northern Lights viewing!
So every 5 years make it a special trip that you can’t do any other year in the states.

Go far…out of the country. Do it while you are younger and can get around and being able to enjoy your time. There are plenty of company’s out there that have abroad trips, you just have to search and figure out what you want to do and get out of the trip.

Peru, Argentina, Chile, Europe, Iceland, Antarctica…….Just make it a habit
I vote for Argentina...
...Red wine, red meat and the Andes... need I say more?

I'm with you Suni.... When you want to go??
The Turtle Expedition did a video on their trip to Iceland.

You can get a copy of the video on www.amazon.com for about $ 5.00 (VHS).

It might, or might not persuade you to go there, but it is interesting footage of some pop-up campers on the off road adventures.




I vote for south of the equator during our winter months. I understand that Argentinian wines are as good as California wines. Plus after a visit south of the equator, you may wear a big hoop earring signifying you have been in the southern hemisphere (if that's your style). :D
I have to agree with what pvstoy said. You can road trip any year. Keep the every five year tradition to add a stamp to the passport. There is a lot to see in the U.S., and we will never run out of places to explore, but visiting other countries and experiencing other cultures provides a lot more than just scenery. And because I prefer warm to cold and wine to Brennivin, I voted for Argentina.
The Turtle Expedition did a video on their trip to Iceland.

You can get a copy of the video on www.amazon.com for about $ 5.00 (VHS).

It might, or might not persuade you to go there, but it is interesting footage of some pop-up campers on the off road adventures.


VHS!? :eek: :oops:

How does one use a VHS? Is that like those penny machines at the old shoe stores where you cranked a handle and watched cards flip? :p

Seriously, that is a cool link, but I have to find it on DVD.
I prefer the DVD too.

You can get it on DVD if you want.

But it will cost you $ 20.00 (instead of $ 5.00)

See link here ...


Maybe i'm lucky, I kept the old VCR so the kids can watch videos from time to time.

Guess i'm cheap, lol.


Didn't want to pay $ 20.00 for something I knew I would only watch once.


Good point, Stan, it is MUCH cheaper. Maybe I have a VCR in the basement somewhere....
Well, I found an old VCR- ordered the VHS because Stan is right, not worth $20 for one-time viewing. Will pass it around the forum when done if anyone wants.

Just noticed this thread has 300 views but only 10 votes in the poll. Feel free to weigh in folks!
I got the Turtle Expedition VHS and just watched it: pretty fun. I will mail it to the first person to PM me their address, free of charge- on the condition you pass it on to someone else who might appreciate it next.
A bit of an old school video now, isn't it ?


I was very surprised to see that "other" pop-up getting in to the same places on that 1/2 ton truck.



I got the Turtle Expedition VHS and just watched it: pretty fun. I will mail it to the first person to PM me their address, free of charge- on the condition you pass it on to someone else who might appreciate it next.


A bit of an old school video now, isn't it ?

Oh yeah.

I was very surprised to see that "other" pop-up getting in to the same places on that 1/2 ton truck.


Sort of defeated the purpose of the special Turtle truck when the camera crew went to the same places in a much lesser truck didn't it?
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