Who/what do you subscribe to for info about the West?

Old Crow

Jan 10, 2015
South Central PA
Hi, all--

I've only recently begun subscribing to the DesertUSA newsletter and have been enjoying it immensely.

I'm also a "Twitter-lurker", which means I have a Twitter account but don't tweet-- I just lurk about and read tweets from people and places I'm interested in.

Recently, I began 'following' Jim Bremner, publisher of DesertUSA.com. And then a bonus popped up --- Twitter suggested I might also be interested in following Death Valley NHA (Natural History Assn), Death Valley National Park, and 'Death Valley', a curated twitter account. And they in turn led me to MojaveDesertArchives and DeathValleyJim and--- holy smokes-- deathvalleyjim.com ! This is wonderful!

So the question is, who/what are some of your favorites? What newsletters by email, Twitter accounts to follow, podcasts to listen to, YouTube and Vimeo channels to watch, whatever. What's the good stuff?

Here's one--- (Twitter) John Orr (@CoyoteGulch) - water issues in Colorado and a prolific re-tweeter of all kinds of interesting info about Colorado

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