Wife's blog about our travels


I enjoyed your blog posts. Keep it up and best wishes for your "mama" travels.

Bill (and Spouse Linda and our little camper-kids, now thirty-somethings, Beth and Megan)
Thanks for sharing the blog. I'm reall bad at writing up trip reports or otherwise journaling my travels so really appreciate those who take the time to chronicle their adventures.
Nice blog, the layout is nice and clean. I bookmarked it.

I've always wanted to visit every National Park. If you guys come northwest, I would highly recommend Glacier, Grand Tetons, Crater Lake, and Mount Lassen.

Enter Yellowstone at your own risk....I'm sure many people enjoy it, but we found that it wasn't for us when we went last year. We were hitting it at the end of the season and expected it to not be that crowded, but we were big time wrong. We had planned on camping in Yellowstone for a few days, and were coming off a great overnight in Glacier. The park itself if amazing, but it is just so crowded that you spend all of your time sitting in traffic. Every time an elk, bison, or bear is spotted, people just stop in the road and get out to take pictures with no consideration to others. This starts a chain reaction with more people stopping because they see someone else stopped. 90 percent of the jams, by the time we got to the front, there was no wildlife and people were just standing around wondering why everyone was stopped. The management of the campgrounds, which is handled by a contractor, was pretty poor. The park employees at the gate cannot give any information about vacancies because the park itself doesn't run the campgrounds. So you drive to a campground and find that it is full, and the campground attendants have no way of communicating with other campgrounds. We ended up on a wild goose chase; we entered the park right as the gates open and left 8 hours later, hightailing it for Grand Tetons just to the south. A different company runs the campgrounds there and they were great. The parks are close enough where you could camp in Grand Tetons and take day trips to Yellowstone, but there is a lot to see in Grand Tetons too.
Andy Douglass said:
Nice blog, the layout is nice and clean. I bookmarked it.

I've always wanted to visit every National Park. If you guys come northwest, I would highly recommend Glacier, Grand Tetons, Crater Lake, and Mount Lassen.

Enter Yellowstone at your own risk....I'm sure many people enjoy it, but we found that it wasn't for us when we went last year. We were hitting it at the end of the season and expected it to not be that crowded, but we were big time wrong. We had planned on camping in Yellowstone for a few days, and were coming off a great overnight in Glacier. The park itself if amazing, but it is just so crowded that you spend all of your time sitting in traffic. Every time an elk, bison, or bear is spotted, people just stop in the road and get out to take pictures with no consideration to others. This starts a chain reaction with more people stopping because they see someone else stopped. 90 percent of the jams, by the time we got to the front, there was no wildlife and people were just standing around wondering why everyone was stopped. The management of the campgrounds, which is handled by a contractor, was pretty poor. The park employees at the gate cannot give any information about vacancies because the park itself doesn't run the campgrounds. So you drive to a campground and find that it is full, and the campground attendants have no way of communicating with other campgrounds. We ended up on a wild goose chase; we entered the park right as the gates open and left 8 hours later, hightailing it for Grand Tetons just to the south. A different company runs the campgrounds there and they were great. The parks are close enough where you could camp in Grand Tetons and take day trips to Yellowstone, but there is a lot to see in Grand Tetons too.

Thanks for the great recommendations. We used to live in Seattle and while we lived there we hit all of the PNW stuff in our old setup. Pretty much all of the west coast parks are complete except for AK and HI. We feel the same about Yellowstone and loved Teton. We can't wait to get back to the PNW, the place we call home.

Thanks for the tips,

badtoytrd said:

Thanks for the words of encouragement. She loves being wild and free like her papa. The camper allows this perfectly.

Brock,one of the best things is when they get beyond the teens they remember/relate those times that at the time they might have complained about,but now are some of the best. Our two daughters will tell stories about how great some trip had been, that at the time was filled with complaints.It's a trip in itself to sit back and listen.
Enjoy the ride as long as you can.They grow up fast.
Been reading more of your blog. Our grand children will start making some weekend trips with us.

Ruby will have some amazing memories.

We went to Vermont 2 years ago. Stayed at Grand Isle SP, SP inStowe , and another near Middlebury. Burlington has great restaurants down on the dock. Ruby would love a trip to Ben & Jerry's. Looking forward to your future trips. jd
Good idea for a blog- sharing experiences camping with kids. I'm sure many parents will be happy to find it. And many of us geezers will enjoy remembering. We sure had fun camping with our kids when they were little. Thanks for sharing your efforts!
takesiteasy said:
Good idea for a blog- sharing experiences camping with kids. I'm sure many parents will be happy to find it. And many of us geezers will enjoy remembering. We sure had camping with our kids when they were little. Thanks for sharing your efforts!
Very nice! :)
Great blog and pics of kiddos. My daughter just started taking her 3 kids backpacking and now they love seeing the pics of their mom on her childhood adventures. Can't help but laugh when they say "Yosemite still looks the same!! "
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