Winter Fun


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
I wasn't expecting snow but we did manage to find some. Had to drive a long ways to find it though and even then it never got much over a foot, foot and half. First time I've even had electricity at a campsite (at the fairgrounds) and I can see I don't have the smart charger. Stayed at 13.5 volts no matter the load. I paid the extra thinking the electric heater would be nice. Bought a small one and an extension cord just for this trip though I'm sure they'll come in handy again sometime. Never needed it though. Wasn't cold enough at night to need it.

There were two outfitters and two grandbys in the campground. None are likely to show up here.
My rig.

Riley had a good time and I was able to let him out at most of our stops.

Driver meeting where the trail leader said most year there would be four feet of snow on the ground.

We had a few stucks, nothing a quick tug on the strap didn't fix. Fifi managed just fine. I'm no snow expert but I'll say what we did have was good wheeling snow. Even in the afternoon sun. I wish I'd brought shorts. It was that kind of day.

At our turn around we had lunch, a few people did some sledding and we had a real nice view of the Sierra Buttes.

The rest of the trip was uneventful. I didn't win anything in the raffle. Food was good if not great. Met some nice people from all over California. Too lazy to edit my pics.

Oh yeah, Calstar had a rep present. I finally availed myself of the Association discount and joined up.
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