Winter in the white mountains


Riley's Human
Jan 12, 2007
Headed out of Sacramento at 6pm after work. Heading up highway 50 the clouds were looking ominous. Had a few sprinkles but as worked my over to 88 and 89 towards the east side of the Sierras I started seeing clear skies and sun. Unfortunately it was getting dark as I descended monitor pass (which was open but not noted correctly on the signs at tahoe) and I headed into Topaz for fuel.

I decided I'd head for Green Creek as we've been there before it seemed a safe bet to find a spot in the dark. Someone was camped by the creek so I wandered farther down till the road suddenly ended. Not much room to turn around but just enough, till I tried to back up. Spin spin spin. Didn't notice the soil was wet in the dark. This is why I have 4wd. Pulled right out in 4wheel. Found a nice spot down the road. The dog was loving the spot. Sniffing all over. In the morning I saw why. Looked like a herd of deer had gone by judging by the tracks. Luckily Yuma let me sleep in and they were gone by the time I got up. Sun was up, sky was clear, things were looking good.

Headed on over to 120 east. Never knew the world's largest contiguous jeffrey pine forest was right there or that the nearby volcanoes had covered the area in cinders up to twenty feet in depth. I liked this drive until I got to Benton. The hotsprings may be nice, I never saw them, but the town is a dump.

Started heading down highway 6 until I saw a spot to head into the white mountains. A lot of old mining activity, but the lack of tailings and equipment makes me think it was either exploratory or petered out fast. Here's where things got interesting. Almost to the end of the road (at least where the rockslides ended it) and I hear a loud noise. I get out and my passenger side rear tire is flat. Not just a bit. This one isn't even in the realm of repairable.

So I toss on my spare and head back to the only level spot on the whole road. It was nice and warm so I hung out and did the camping thing. I heard the rain at night but it stopped after a bit. Well in the morning I saw it had turned to snow.

Not only that but sometime in the night I picked up a sore throat and the sniffles. After breakfast I packed up and headed into Bishop hoping to find a tire store open. Nope. Between that and not feeling to chipper plus it was snowing on and off (around mammoth it really looked like winter) I decided to head on back to Sac. The radio said monitor pass was closed and I wasn't looking forward to heading into Carson. But after a good burger in Walker my luck improved and the pass was open. In spite of the signs saying chain controls were in effect around Tahoe they weren't and it was smooth sailing back home.

Btw, diesel was 4.19 in Topaz, 4.99 a few miles down the road in Lee Vining. Glad I took the six mile detour.

So it was an interesting trip but I'm ready for summer to finally show up.

Saw an old keystone heading down 395 and two more newer fwc's.
Sounds like you had a mini adventure, Craig!
Complete with mechanical, weather, and health events!
Thanks for the story.
You probably were snowed out of the Bristlecone Pines Preserve? We love the eastern Sierras. Most people pass it by on their way to Yosemite or Mammoth. Hope your tire is repairable and you feel better.
Thanks for the report Craig. I want to go over to the areas soon, but maybe I will need to wait about a month or so. I've camped at Green Creek when there was a lot of snow and yes, I always fill up at Topaz when I am in that area (next time you are there, buy your self a turtle candy. Its a treat I always give myself when I am there).

Be safe out there.



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Craig, do you know what cut the tire? Your sidewall reminds me of the time I got two cuts like that in the Black Rock Desert, 100 miles north of Gerlach, and only had one spare . . . But that's another story.

It looks like the Whites are going to be white for a bit longer this year, eh?
Yes, I have a pic of the rock. My spotter wasn't doing his job. I was hoping to wait till next winter for new tires, looks like thats gonna happen sooner than I wanted. I guess the awning will have to wait a bit.

I wonder if a tube would have worked. Or would it just have bulged right out the cut?
Ya, it was a freshly broken rock that cut both of my tires at the same spot on both sidewalls. I don't think anything would have gotten you very far with a big hole like that--other than a new tire, that is.

What load range tires did you have on your 2500?
It is for trips like this that one needs to carry a back up emergency crew of Jack and Daniels.
E rated of course. Fortunately I do check the air in the spare occasionally. Its never seen pavement before this.

Its really scary that automakers want to get rid of spare tires altogether.

Onstar, yeah right. Like I could have gotten a tow truck into where I was. Of course I had no cell phone coverage either.

I thought about what I'd have done if I didn't have a spare. I think the only option would have been to drive out on the rim. Cross your fingers it would make it to pavement. That or walk out, hitch a ride, buy a tire and wheel, hitch back, roll a wheel three miles uphill. Almost enough to make we want to carry two spares :cautious:
Hmmm....and you guys convinced me to only carry one spare instead of two as I'd done for decades. Convinced me that a good flat-fix kit is all you need. Hmmm...

Maybe I should re-start my thread about where/how to carry a second spare.

On the other hand...though I've had many flats on sharp rocks I've never had a side-wall cut -- maybe 'cause I don't air-down...?
Thats my first sidewall cut too, on either the truck or the Jeep. I was not aired down. I would have been really pissed if it was just a little cut, I forgot to bring my plug kit along:cautious:
I've seen a few spectacular photos of plug kit repairs. Never tried it myself, hope I never have to, but photos like yours make me think of practicing before I need it! Hope it was good for you to get out of town even though it turned into a bit more of an adventure for you.

We went north for the weekend and were snowed on as well. I couldn't help but think about your planning post where you mentioned going to Alabama Hills. I was thinking how nice it must be where you were while we were wearing three layers of clothing. Guess it didn't work out that way even down south.

I am really burned out on winter. Hopefully it will warm up by 4th of July weekend. Maybe we can hook up for another shot at White Mountains or somewhere on the eastern Sierras.

We got out despite the weather and did a fine weekender up at Sierra Valley.
We've got our birding sites figured out, cruising Marble Hot Springs Rd. and enjoy taking the waters at Sierra Hot Springs where we 'camped'.

Weather was interesting with snow flying about most of the day Saturday.

Sierra Snow Angel :p

Hello summer?

Just a short distance out of Loyalton we explored the Antelope Valley Wildlife Area loop. It's a dirt road that cruises through ponderosa pine and meadows, ultimately climbing up to close to 6,000' before dropping back down to Smithneck Road. We found a patch of blue flowers I thought were lupines, but were camus (thank you google :) )


Despite the snow,we did get some excellent birding in. We spotted a pair of Sandhill Cranes with their young.




We also found a Black-crowned Night Heron that was pretty cool (and cooperative):





All in all, a nice get-a-way, despite weather and avoiding crowds. Again, I find my FWC makes all this possible vs. tenting. :D
I've seen a few spectacular photos of plug kit repairs. Never tried it myself, hope I never have to, but photos like yours make me think of practicing before I need it! Hope it was good for you to get out of town even though it turned into a bit more of an adventure for you.

So have I but always on a single slice, not a flap like this.

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