Winterizing the Water Pump

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
After Lady Bug mentioned the issues she was having with cold weather, I thought I would share how I winterize the water pumps in the hardside camper and travel trailer.

This little hose fits on both sides of the water pump, and can be used to either pump RV anti freeze into the pump and system, or to clear the pump of any residual water after draining the tank and blowing out the lines. Disconnect the supply side, connect the hose, then stick it in a gallon of RV anti freeze, then turn on the pump to pull the anti freeze into the pump and lines (if you want). Or, disconnect the discharge side, stick the hose into an empty jug, turn on the pump and catch the water. You can make your own out of parts from any RV place.

The toughest part is getting access to the pump.

As an alternative technique - I have had good luck just pulling the clear plastic cup on the input strainer to the water pump, dumping any water out of this and then running the pump dry for a few seconds before reinstalling the strainer. We use our camper and water system year round, so we winterize and de-winterize our camper many times each year - thus we try and avoid using antifreeze. By isolating our outdoor shower for the season (we added valves on the shower water lines inside the cabinetry) dumping as much water as we can out the low point drain and running the pump dry we have had no problems over last winter or so far this winter. Anyway, just another option if you don't want to use antifreeze.
Just purchased my first FWC. Want to use it semi year around and here in Virginia it’s 15-20 degrees. Thanks for the alternative to antifreeze, will try it.
It's supposed to get up into the low 40's (yippee <-- note the sarcasm ) on Sunday here so I'll have a chance to look over my system. Still hoping it was leaks from that errant water bottle that was rolling around my camper floor. Cross fingers.

I thought that draining the tank and then running the pump til nothing more was good enough. I didn't think about pulling the strainer and running it again to get more water out. Eep. Hoping this isn't a painfully pricey lesson....

If it is all good, I think next year - if I'm still here in cold midwest - I'll do the Sagebrush way and just winterize the heck out of it. :)
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