Wiring question. Battery grounding.

ntsqd said:
The solar panels on both the install that I did and the Professional Install on the Cuchara that we just bought both only connect their grounds to the solar controller and nowhere else. I've never seen anything that suggested the solar panel ground be connected to chassis/camper ground and I dimly recall reading somewhere a long time ago specifically to NOT do that. If I could only recall here that was I'd dredge it up or prove my memory faulty.
Most charge controllers I know of are so called "positive ground" (just like old British cars), i.e., the positive terminals for solar panel, battery, and load function (if your model offers one) are tied together in the controller; the negative connections "float". This makes the electronics and control much simpler and affordable. Do not ground the controller in these type devices. This is also why the charge controller cannot monitor your load current.
Solar grounding

Cory Kelley said:
I am adding an AGM battery to my hawk shell. I am adding solar panel and victron batt monitor too. I think I’ve got it all pretty well sorted out but have a question about grounding.
I know that I need to run the neg from battery, solar and loads to the shunt. Do I need to ground the battery to the truck or camper somehow too? If so do you have any suggestions? Wire Gauge and where to ground would be helpful. 2016 f150.
Thank you for all the help. These forums have really helped me sort all of this out.
Someone else mentioned you didn't mention a solar charge controller.


I think the above link helps to explain some of why manufacturers make connections where they do and why.


I thought the wiring diagram on page 7 might help.

I reread my post and my response was incorrect. I didn't mean to say the negative side of the solar panel was to be bonded to the frame or chassis.
I did mean to say that the negative side of the 12 system would have a chassis bonding connection, but not as a means to eliminate the 12 volt negative wire from a load back to the battery. Don't have any suggestions on wire size or location for you. I'm still learning about this solar and how it's connected. I'm saying that so you don't get the wrong idea. These forums are a wealth of knowledge, combined with manufacturer operating and installation instructions
provide us end users with confidence to tackle these modern electronics. Which makes our camping, experience better and tailored to each persons needs. Hope these links help.


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