Wood Bison

Wandering Sagebrush

Free Range Human
Site Team
Nov 17, 2013
Northeast Oregon
The December 2015 issue of Sunset Magazine (yup, the yuppie mag) has an interesting article on the return of Wood Bison (Bison bison athebascae) to Alaska. They had been declared extinct, but a purebred herd was found in Alberta. These animals are bigger than the Plains Bison (Bison bison bison), and the largest land animal in North America. I find that rather cool!

In a different internet article, I read that the National Park Service is considering removing/killing up to 1000 bison from Yellowstone this winter. They are over populating their range. It's kind of sad to see them killed, but the land has to be able to support them. Current population across the US is roughly 400,000.
Over the years I have enjoyed Sunset but it has changed a lot.
The Wood Bison story sure was nice.Glad they actually spent the time to have a good story.
I had been thinking about the Bison a while back and Googled them and found that info.
I had been looking to see if the Bison that used to live on the east coast were called Wood Bison,like some stories refer to that name.
The info from the search was interesting.
Great animals.Makes me want to get back to Alaska and maybe see them.
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