WTB, can I post it under the forum rules?

Nov 25, 2012
Western Washington
Hello all, I'm a newbie here but not to camping.
Just wondering would I be allowed to post a "wanted to buy" under a specific camper site?. Seems like in the past I have read where this isn't allowed, but seems like on some sites its ok. Anyway as a newbie to this one I thought I would ask, before I did it & got "spanked" Thanks :unsure:
Hang on, well get back to you with an answer very soon. :)
Posts "for sale" definitely belong in "Gear Exchange" only, but if you're just posting that you're in the market to buy...
I need to get a second opinion from fellow "Site Team" members.
Hello all, I'm a newbie here but not to camping.
Just wondering would I be allowed to post a "wanted to buy" under a specific camper site?. Seems like in the past I have read where this isn't allowed, but seems like on some sites its ok. Anyway as a newbie to this one I thought I would ask, before I did it & got "spanked" Thanks :unsure:

Welcome to the board, Linc, that's mighty neighborly of you.
OK lincolnmatthews, getting back to you: Based on precedent (mostly) and the "classified ads" model, the Site Team feels that "want to buy" is as much a "Gear Exchange" topic as "for sale" is.
So your suggested WTB should be posted in the Gear Exchange sub-forum.

And as MWI said: welcome to WTW, and thanks for asking first!
Buy (and sell) ads are often single posts that never get any follow up. We would rather not have those water down the camper forums which contain so many valuable discussions.

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