Your Experiences..Alaska, Yukon and NWT in late April, Early May


Double Ought
Nov 4, 2015
NE Oregon
Planning to take our '05 Tundra AC SR5 / FWC '16 Hawk aboard the Alaskan Marine Hwy ferry either in late April [26th] or mid-May [10th] to Haines from Bellingham for a "drive about" up the Dempster and then down through BC to home in NE Oregon. Poking around for remote locations as we go.

Planning on 4-5 weeks.


What can we expect in the way of road conditions on the Dempster that early?

Any 'issues' arriving in early Spring?

Can you find "dispersed' camping locations to set up for a couple of days; hopefully off-the-grid?

Any specific information welcomed and appreciated...not being picky but prefer first hand experiences.


Phil we have gone to Alaska 5 times the last 2 were with our ATC Bobcat.
We use the marine hwy for all our trips.

Have taken the Columbia, Billingham to Haines and enjoyed the trip.
Are you getting a "room" aboard?

From Haines we went to Denali first trip 2011,then in 2016 took the Kennacott
Bellingham to Whittier.Did the Kenai for a week then Denali for 9 days.
Back to Haines and home on the Columbia.

Check out my travel blog or PM me if you want more info.
Casa Escarlata Robles Too said:
Phil we have gone to Alaska 5 times the last 2 were with our ATC Bobcat.
We use the marine hwy for all our trips.

Have taken the Columbia, Billingham to Haines and enjoyed the trip.
Are you getting a "room" aboard?

From Haines we went to Denali first trip 2011,then in 2016 took the Kennacott
Bellingham to Whittier.Did the Kenai for a week then Denali for 9 days.
Back to Haines and home on the Columbia.

Check out my travel blog or PM me if you want more info.

Thanks I got all that; but I am still looking for answers to my specific questions.

I have been to Alaska several times but my Bride has not...yes, on the Inside Passage... and I solo sea kayaked back from Juneau to Petersburg, including Tracy Arm...

But I have never been up the Dempster and this early in the year....

Will check out your blog and thanks again...

Phil you might also check with member " Robbie".
He lives in Watson Lake ,Yukon and travels around that whole
You might also PM member "generubin".
He has traveled the Dempster many times and could answer any questions you have.
Our travel on the Dempster was only to the Tombstone area for one night.
Re: Dempster

Have been up that way but not at those times of year.

That disclaimer noted, there are two things I'd consider. First is the ice break up at the Peel and MacKenzie river crossings. A quick search suggests the ferries typically start service ~ June 1. So depending on route timing, it may or may not be an inconvenience/hold up during that transition.

Second, many Territorial (and Provincial) campgrounds open mid May. For eg the three in the YK portion are closed and gated until May 18.

You asked about bush camping and that is certainly possible but may not be as easy to come by as the length of road and remoteness might suggest, in part due to the elevated roadbed construction. Further eg, in the NWT, all the gravel pits (that old overnight standby) we saw were posted no access. Often the terrain this hwy passes thru is fragile and doesn't lend itself to driving on for random camping
Not a dealbreaker to be sure but be aware that early in the year you might not have a organised CG as a back up.

There will be snow in the mountains thoughout BC well into May but you will be fine along the hwys.
"Re: Dempster

Have been up that way but not at those times of year.

That disclaimer noted, there are two things I'd consider. First is the ice break up at the Peel and MacKenzie river crossings. A quick search suggests the ferries typically start service ~ June 1. So depending on route timing, it may or may not be an inconvenience/hold up during that transition.

Second, many Territorial (and Provincial) campgrounds open mid May. For eg the three in the YK portion are closed and gated until May 18.

You asked about bush camping and that is certainly possible but may not be as easy to come by as the length of road and remoteness might suggest, in part due to the elevated roadbed construction. Further eg, in the NWT, all the gravel pits (that old overnight standby) we saw were posted no access. Often the terrain this hwy passes thru is fragile and doesn't lend itself to driving on for random camping
Not a dealbreaker to be sure but be aware that early in the year you might not have a organised CG as a back up.

There will be snow in the mountains thoughout BC well into May but you will be fine along the hwys."


More good stuff and the ice break-up and ferry service issues I didn't think of...actually we hope to go North from Haines to Haines Junction and continue toward Tok then at Tetlin Junction take "Chicken Road" [5/9] to Dawson City and then on to Dempster...Peel and MacKenzie crossings will be a consideration and hopefully we will find them open...or just turn around; but would like to visit Fort McPherson...hey, it is an adventure...we return South to take the Cassiar Hwy into BC...

Kind of anticipated that there aren't many 'dirt roads' to meander down for the night [our first choice].....especially at that latitude...didn't know if it was prohibited or not...dispersed or bush fact finding any secondary roads / dirt roads seems to be a problem.

My plans have evolved to leave Bellingham on 5-10 which would open up some of the provincial and territorial parks for us and give the freeze time to thaw...My Bride is very keen on staying a while at Tombstone TP...

Where did you find the listing of ferry services and their schedules in the Yukon and NWT?

So thanks all for the is a big help..!


Ps....I will try to contact "Robbie" and "Generubin" you mentioned Casa...thanks.

PPs...I think this is where I monitor the ferry service
^ good, I wasn't sure if those river crossings were on your radar.

I didn't find the NWT gov ferry page, used this for my post. I don't know what the switch over time from ice bridge to ferry might be, would expect a few days tho. btw I recognise that website from previous searches, might be worth a look around for info.

This guide is worth having. We picked up a printed copy in Dawson, either at the YK traveller info or the NWT one across the road.

If by "chicken rd" you mean continuing on to Dawson via the TOW hwy, note the International Border Crossing is only opened seasonally. See here about the ferry that crosses over to Dawson. btw Everyone and his dog camps at the Klondike River CG, it is convenient and big enough that it SB okay.

You'll like Tombstone Park, tho it can get busy, and rainy sometimes.

Seems like you've thought about camping. Bush camping is possible and we all strive for it. I only mentioned the CGs because sometimes on these long driving trips far from home, you may not want to spent the time searching for them.
Not sure how helpful this would be as it is anecdotal...we went to AK in 2017 ... though mid June -August. Blogs are weird as there is no way I know of to reverse the postings.... hence you will be starting at the end of the trip and going backwards.... but her is ours"
BTW you will have a ball!
klahanie said:
^ good, I wasn't sure if those river crossings were on your radar.

I didn't find the NWT gov ferry page, used this for my post. I don't know what the switch over time from ice bridge to ferry might be, would expect a few days tho. btw I recognise that website from previous searches, might be worth a look around for info.

This guide is worth having. We picked up a printed copy in Dawson, either at the YK traveller info or the NWT one across the road.

If by "chicken rd" you mean continuing on to Dawson via the TOW hwy, note the International Border Crossing is only opened seasonally. See here about the ferry that crosses over to Dawson. btw Everyone and his dog camps at the Klondike River CG, it is convenient and big enough that it SB okay.

You'll like Tombstone Park, tho it can get busy, and rainy sometimes.

Seems like you've thought about camping. Bush camping is possible and we all strive for it. I only mentioned the CGs because sometimes on these long driving trips far from home, you may not want to spent the time searching for them.

Good stuff again and thanks...Top of World Highway is what I meant, AKA "Chicken" rd,....never thought that a border crossing would be closed if road is 'open'...yikes. We probably will not go all the way to Tuk just to say we did it....we will see when we get there..

We have traveled together a lot and pretty much can take things as they are presented to us and actually enjoy the mantra is an old cliche: "Improvise, adapt, overcome" + have fun doing it...while I enjoy planning the unexpected adds color to the adventure!

CGs are definitely helpful to give breaks in bush camping and as you said to provide backstops when you have run out of time or energy...hopefully by arriving a tad early to Tombstone TP we will avoid some of the crowd...

And I appreciate the blogs with notes from previous adds to the data base.

Thanks again,


Ps...just open the links you sent...golden stuff thanks...will look up border crossing info on TOW and assume it will mirror when the George Black ferry service starts to open the road all the way through..
buckland said:
Not sure how helpful this would be as it is anecdotal...we went to AK in 2017 ... though mid June -August. Bogs are weird as there is no way I know of to reverse the postings.... hence you will be starting at the end of the trip and going backwards.... but her is ours"
BTW you will have a ball!

Great blog stomping grounds are Idaho, Montana, Nevada and our home state of Oregon [extreme NE corner] several of the locations I have camped or traveled through...thanks..I will mine it for information!

Phil, not to beat a dead horse, re the river crossings, but rather to correct my statement, "I don't know what the switch over time from ice bridge to ferry might be, would expect a few days tho."

Looking at the NT (NWT) Infrastructure website you linked, on Winter Roads page, I see the two ice crossings in question are closed May5 and 6 (15 yr avg). On the Ferries page they are both open June 2 (15 yr avg). So the "switch over time" for ice flow is quite significant - no need for you to rush !

As you'll know, there's ton's and ton's of travelling The North info online - so much so you don't really have to go, tho now of course, you've got us talking here about 2019 (!). Anyway here's one more site that I found useful for roads. Some is old but has some go pics, fwiw. Maybe not much for this trip but put it in the vault.

And my final tip - really, I'm not supposed to share this stuff - is Dredge #4, just outside of Dawson.

Enjoy !
^ Holy cow, Sawtooths, eh!

Had forgotten I took a trip down to Rexburg a lifetime ago (late 80's)

Good times, should do it again.

Thx for the links
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