Miss you all!


Lady Bug
Aug 16, 2015
Carbondale, IL
Hi my old friends and new friends I haven't yet met!
I miss you all and miss my FWC and miss campering.

I'm in my last semester of coursework towards my PhD in Public Health!
Also, I'm running for City Council here in my hometown of Carbondale, Illinois.

For some insane reason (I blame Covid), I sold my Tacoma a couple of years ago and bought a Subaru.
Found quickly that it was not my thing... and eventually sold the Subi and got a new-to-me Tacoma! haha!
Same year as my old one (2014) but a short bed (5') not long bed (6') like my old one.
A bit nicer to maneuver, but does limit my truck bed camper options a little, sort of.
Right now, I'm a po' student, so getting another camper is but a pipe dream right now.

Hope you all are well.
Dawn "Ladybug" Hoyden
Hey there Doctor Lady Bug, so good to hear from you. Wrap up that last semester and dissertation so we can make the Doc official.

Good luck with the city council race!
Great to hear from you & your activities. Congrats on your finishing your Piled Higher & Deeper. Hope it brings increased riches so you can get another mobile camping abode with much space for carrying found 4 legged critters.
Hope your pups are doing as well as you seem to be doing.

Hi all!
I wasn't going to do the City Council, but my hometown is having difficulties and I felt a duty to do more than just complain! haha!

The PhD is proving to be a lot of work but going back to school as an adult is so much easier than it was when I was "college-age!"

I miss my adventures, too!
Hopefully, I can get a camper sooner than later. My courses are online, though here at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale. So technically I could do them anywhere.
And if I get on Council in the Spring, I'll have meetings every couple of weeks. But if I have camper, I'll still be able to get out in-between!

The pups are doing great - here's a pic!
Big hugs to you all!
Hope you are all hale and hearty!


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