((Eagle/Fleet)) - Shell Amateur Build

Jim, You only want a surgeon that does the "anterior hip replacement". Rehab is nowhere near 3 months. My sister has had both hips done and you couldn't tell in a week by the way she was walking. Surgery was less than an hour. Had it done at Hoag in Irvine. Of course, total healing is probably 3 months or better.
Camper Battery Field Report

Sept 2015
Replaced our camper battery - warranty 36 months. Died at 40 months. Our battery was a 79 amp hour
AGM model Intimidator by East Penn Mfg. Replaced it with the same model and manufacture 5 years, 8 months still working like new.
May 2021
Sitting in the carport for weeks these days the battery stays at 100% charged. We get enough light bounce from our neighbors white roof to maintain it at 99-100% per the Trimetric. I have asked my mechanic how long it will last. He said in that environment (Low humidity and out of the sun), the camper and battery will last a very long time.

By comparison I have to put the truck battery on trickle charger to maintain the voltage at 12.7. Its 8 years, 4 months old. It seems batteries have really improved.

Before the desert season begins I always have the truck checked for offroad usage, batteries checked and I always replace the radiator at 10 years because its not METAL its composite PLASTIC. Better to be safe than broken down 40 miles from the nearest repair shop.
Beer, heck yes and camping with other 4WC and Jim is a plus! We are ready whenever Jim gets his 100,000 hits and a new hip!
In 2021 I Turned 77
Field Report
No easy way to say this. In June (6/9/21) we sold the rig (truck and camper) as a package losing 8% of the total investment over 9 years. Unbelievable return on investment. 4 Wheel campers ROCK!!! I feel relieved. My body can't do it anymore. I don't have the physical strength. Another dedicated old guy put out to pasture. Going forward we will be embracing motel camping.

The new owners, age 30 will be using it a lot. Glad a young family will get lots of years of use out of it

I/m going to leave this post up. If anyone has any questions about it send me a PM. Have a happy summer.
Hip Replacement Field Report

An update for those who were following my health challenges. If your having any body pain read the rest of this post. - Page 25 - Reply # 245

In mid-September we returned from a 14 day 3600 mile road trip. Surgery was scheduled for October 8th. This was my last trip for awhile.

On September 16th the doctor was advised by Scripps that Robotic (anterior hip replacement) was denied and replaced with Traditional Hip surgery. I appealed and am waiting their decision. Surgery scheduled for October 8th was cancelled.

In the meantime I decided to try Class IV laser therapy to deal with the pain and reduced movement.

What laser is and does
Physically it resembles an ultrasound puck that slides over the injured part of the body. Last March I tried it on my upper arm injury that only healed maybe 60% . The recommended 12 sessions healed arm almost completely. I have full range of motion and only occasional pain. I can easily pick up a 20 pound item with one hand...a miracle.

What it does
Delivers specific red and near infrared wavelengths of laser light to induce a therapeutic effect within the body. Effects include increased circulation, decreased swelling, reduction of pain and enhanced tissue repair. Laser therapy has been used in Europe since the 1970's and cleared by the FDA in 2002

My results
Zero pain after 3 sessions. Taking no pain pills not even Tylenol, Stopped taking CBD oil. Still have partial limp, Can do all my activities(bike, swim, short distance walking). Can walk upstairs 2-legs at a time. Moving easily around the house and yard. Can't walk a mile though as I'm still bone on bone. Went to my regular doctor. he recommended I postpone the surgery indefinitely....

If interested check it out. Not paid by Medicare. Based on my results not that expensive.

If you want more information send me a PM
Update 10/27/21
I was advised that the appeal was successful and Robotic surgery was approved.

If your wondering how that happened. SCAN insurance had their orthopedic doctor review the case. Their doctor approved it NOT the Scripps Doctor. Since SCAN is paying for the surgery (Medicare Advantage) Scripps is out of the loop. My new surgery date is January 18th

What about the laser?

Final Laser Treatment was November 9th. One week later the pain and restricted movement returned. Each week more pain and restriction. Plus attending the SoCal Rally doing Registration with lots of standing and sleeping in a SUV made back and hip worse. Doc says stay off my feet as much as possible for a week or so (Now in the "or so" part). Feeling better after back being decompressed and restricting movement.

My conclusion: There isn't enough cartilage left to build on. Time for surgery.
Hip Surgery Update

January 18th surgery date postponed to February or March due to Covid. Hospitals are still full
from the December holidays. My hospital is full of non-vaccinated folks.
Those vaccinated folks that have it (that we know) are home with lighter symptoms.
It may depend on one's immune system. Everyone stay safe.
Hip joint surgery Update

Surgery performed March 1, 2022. 8 days out No pain. No pain meds. Not even Tylenol. Discomfort level 3
Docs said femur was difficult. 90 minute surgery. Lots of swelling and black and Blue. Yes I have a picture.
Not going to show it. Walked 2 hours after completion. Now its me doing the work to get back to age 78 normal.
Thanks for all your prayers and healing thoughts.
Hip Joint After surgery Progress Report

What an experience that was. Surgery went great...except had major swelling which lasted 3 weeks requiring elevating 6 hours per day, 7 days a week then I got an infection at the incision site.

April 4th was back in the hospital for 5.5 days where they cleaned out the infection after opening me up again and replacing the ball.
then lots of tests to find out what bacterial infection I had. Docs put me on a Picc line where every day at the same time of day for the next 40 days I got an IV antibiotic pushed from a huge syringe. Finally on May 20th everything was done and I could go about my life.

Still for the first time in years I can walk a mile with no pain = wonderful

Camping and Bike riding...For now riding the stationary bikes in our fitness center... until November or December and maybe not till March-April 2023 as a capsule of tissue and muscle has to grow over the joint or it can pop out.

A friend also had that surgery and over did the bending, got dizzy, fell and her femur popped out = LOTS OF PAIN - Had to be anesthetized then Docs just popped it back in, sent her home with some pain pills and said don't do that again.!!!

So no riding for me for awhile either (or travelling). Happy to be able to swim for now.

Everyone have a wonderful summer.
Update July first, 2024
Two years since the last update and I have had two sad life experiences.

Before I start with updates I'm now 17 months out as a widower. Losing my mate of 45 years in February 2023 and our son who had cystic fibrosis on May 21, 2024. When he was age 3 the docs said he would be dead at age 7. He passed at the age of 53 and 10 months...18 months after his second double lung transplant. Cause of death was his body rejecting the second lung.

Hip joint replacement finally completely healed the middle of December 2022. December 28th the docs sent in a probe to find out what was going on with my wife's gall-bladder. Finding a mass on her gall-bladder, liver and G.I tract they discovered she had terminal stage 4 gall-bladder cancer. No warning and only mild pain. Inoperable docs Gave her 3-6months. She went in 4 weeks, Leaving the planet the way she wanted: peacefully - yes, fast - 4 weeks, relatively pain free - no morphine until 4 days before passing, She passed in our bed with a smile on her face. She was more than ready to go.

Camping: haven't camped since February 2020. Retired at age 77 (from camping) after 45 years camping and exploring. I have now embraced moteling. Driving around in my 2022 Subaru Outback. Do I think I will ever buy a small van camper?...Well probably will rent something for a couple of weeks, then we will see. Over age 80 I kind of doubt it. however who knows.

Maybe I will attend this years 4 wheel camper rally; in Borrego Springs. to see if I still have the itch.......
Jim, our sincere condolences on your losses. Those are huge milestone events. Thanks for the updates, although we know it is so hard. As Vic says, check out the itch. Our best to you.
It's good to hear from you again Jim. I'm sorry for your losses but you seem to have come through it all with a good attitude. Are you still flying?

Jim, I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your loved ones. I've followed your many posts through the years as I had an Eagle at the time on an 1st Gen tacoma. I also knew that for years you were often "the person" at the registration table at FWC rallies. I remember you volunteered to do that quite often when Tom was the owner of FWC.

Just wanted to note that there is currently no Ocotillo Wells rally planned for this year. I attended the recent rally in Tygh Valley OR and talked to FWC people who indicated that they will likely hold only one company-sponsored event each year, which will be held in various and changing locations each year to broaden the exposure of FWC into other geographic areas besides CA.

I also heard at the rally that several owners are planning a get-together in the Quartzsite area on the first weekend in Dec. For more info you can join the Facebook Southwest owners group. It's a private group on FB so you will need to send a request to join. Send me a private message if you need more info.
Hi Wildcat,
Thanks for the kind words. Since the website has changed its format I don't know the steps to send a private message. and I would be interested in attending Quartsite rally if I can get in there in stock tires. I can sleep in the Outback as the floor is flat and I can buy some cushions for sleeping. I will join the FB group to find out more information,
Hi Wildcat,
Thanks for the kind words. Since the website has changed its format I don't know the steps to send a private message. and I would be interested in attending Quartsite rally if I can get in there in stock tires. I can sleep in the Outback as the floor is flat and I can buy some cushions for sleeping. I will join the FB group to find out more information,

Jim, click on Wildcat's avatar above. A dialog box comes up. In the dialog box click on Start Conversation.
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