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  1. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West At long last!

    Saweeeeeeeeeeet Rig!!!!!
  2. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Spent Two Weeks Breaking in our FWC Fleet

    Can't wait to see some pics Robbie..thanks for posting. 70 below, dude! That sounds like aluminum weld cracking weather. TT
  3. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Hello and HELP!

    A buddy of mine had to "reshape" the front end of an old grandby to get it in a GMC. He popped all of the welds up front on purpose, modified, and then JB welded the joints back together..I scoffed hard at this and advised a proper alum. weld......That was in '99.....the truck and camper have...
  4. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West I no longer have to lurk - new to me Grandby

    And new shocks as well?? You must be tickled pink Scootr! They stuck with the original, old school colors on the outside reskin, looks great!
  5. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Alaska Trip

    Bent!! Nice looking rig LOG! Can't wait to see more pics:)
  6. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Grande Baja Sur Trip Report

    Sounds like you got everything you wanted out of your trip south Sunman. Congrats on a good strike Amigo!! Great report as usual, thanks! TT
  7. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Would You....?

    The board has spoken.. Truth is, they have lept in the camper(guest room:thumb:) before in the driveway. And they love it(duh) A tent trailer doesn't want to go where we are going. Brett 13 and I think alike..exactly what I was planning. a couple of hundred yards up the road with as much...
  8. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Would You....?

    Would you ever loan out your Camper?? We are going to a fairly remote spot to take part in a small Wedding of great friends.4 couples, 2 trucks. Everyone will be camping. 2 couples will be in tents,and the other 2 couples (bride/groom, muself/wife) will be sleeping(:confused:) in either the...
  9. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West trip over 4 weeks great 1 day bad!

    PETA wants to know Oh yeah....What happened to the dog??
  10. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West trip over 4 weeks great 1 day bad!

    Les, Terrible misfortune, but great attitude:thumb:. I would rather have your fab skills though:D. Glad there were no serious life changing injuries.. WAY TO GET OUT THERE!!!!!!! TT
  11. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West My new camper

    Sharp Package... DK, Felicidades Amigo!! Now THAT IS A GREAT LOOKING RIG!! Glad you were able to get what you wanted. Have a great trip through Mexico! We here will expect a full trip report(with pics:D) on your return. TT
  12. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Locking Differential Thread

    I built my truck to do what I had to do :)....:thumb:....:confused:...Usal???
  13. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Thanks for watching

    Can't remember the exact # on my old one, but it was in the 800's..My old Fleet was built in 1984..
  14. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Thanks for watching

    Congrats Robbie!! Looks like an oldy but a goody.. Our first one looked alot like that and lasted us 10 years.
  15. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Who has driven the farthest to pickup their camper?

    Way to go DK, you got one!! We need pics of the (other) T-100 4x4 with a Ranger on the back...please!
  16. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Mt Whitney

    Hmmmm...tempting, but I'll likely be busy cleaning the moondust out of my rig after a week in Baja the week prior!:D Might not be so dusty Amigo....Watching the weather, it might be more like rinsing off the moon mud..Tropical storm Juli-uh-o is trouncing the peninsula at the moment..Should...
  17. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Wikki-Up by FWC

    I saw one of those on the road the other day near Pt. Mugu in Ventura County, CA....definately looked like FWC had something to do with the design..It was pretty cool looking. I would rather have a FWC on a Toyota though:thumb:
  18. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West We're Otta' Here

    a great idea!! Can I drive up and get the Big Eye?? When you get home GO SOMEWHERE IN THAT NICE CAMPER OF YOURS!! Wait you have a Grandby, the big eye will fit in there! It should be thawed out by the time you get here, I have the soyu and wasabi..There are girls in Bikini's all over the...
  19. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Mt Whitney

    SummiTED Whitney Way to go Ted! Beutiful shots and great write up:thumb: Thank You.
  20. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Porch Light Mystery

    Thanks for all this. I'll leave no stone unturned. Am off to a central coast ranch, and then the western Sierra (up by Mono Hot Springs). "Pansy trip," as there will be little or any off pavement. I hang my head. Doble, Is there Surf involved?? if so,"pansy trip" doesn't apply:D
  21. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Somebody's Going To Get Hurt

    Viagra to me is like doesn't apply to my life. (yet??)
  22. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Somebody's Going To Get Hurt

    Wow Salty I guess you're proof of Americas most dangerous porfession.. It sounds so cliche.....but, it happens to all of us.. 100 lb. hatch cover to the back of the head yesterday for me..10 stitches and a neck ache is all I got out of the deal..lucky,it coulda been game over quite easily...
  23. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Light Weight and Low Profile is Key

    Now where did you say TT this beach party was??? OXNARD BABY!!!!
  24. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West One More, Maybe The Last

    That's a good one Jon:D Anything else but Albie's eating the Jig?? Bluefin, billfish anything?? I know it's a bit far north, but stranger things have happened.. TT
  25. Tomas Tierra

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Light Weight and Low Profile is Key

    Sr. Pueblo Mr. Jay, San Ig in March??? I wonder if we could get enough wanderers there to fill a panga?? That would be a good one! You can get there in 2wd! Just pray for no rain in the rainy season. John D. you are a great sport for taking the stuff doled out here...but are you really going...
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