One More, Maybe The Last

the fisherman

Big Time
Dec 12, 2007
The day after his wife disapeared in a kayaking accident in Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, the husband answered the door to find two grim faced Canadian Mounties. ' Were sorry sir but we have some information about your wife.' 'tell me did you find her?' shouted the husband. The Mounties looked at each other 'We have some bad news, some good news, and some great news'. Which do you want to hear first? Fearing the worst, the husband said 'give me the bad news first'. The Mountie said' I'm sorry to tell you, but this morning we found your wifes body in one of the bays'. 'Oh my god' exclaimed the husband, swallowing hard, he asked 'what's the good news? The Mountie continued,'when we pulled her up, she had 25 five pound Snow Crabs, and a half a dozen good sized Lobsters clinging on to her'.Stunned, the husband demanded,'what's the great news? The Mountie said ' we're going to pull her up again tomorrow' ''YOU CAN GIVE A MAN A FISH,AND HE WIIL EAT,TEACH A MAN TO FISH,AND HE WILL SIT AND DRINK BEER ALL DAY'' JON 2008
The Afternoon Lull

TT, when we started in June no, but now the usual stuff is showing up, some guys are getting a few Whaoo, and a Big Eye once in a while,last trip we got one about 80#, this trip we have two, one is over a 100# i'm sure, if we didn't have to freeze those Bad Boys they would be worth big bucks. I see the Mayor doesn't care for fishing jokes, thats OK, we'll try this. THE POST OFFICE INTERVIEW...........A guy goes into the Post Office to apply for a job......The interviewer asks 'Are you allergic to anything' He says yes 'Just caffiene' Have you ever been in the service, 'Yes he says 'I was in Iraq for two years, the interviewer says 'that will give you 5 extra points toward employment' and then asks 'are you disabled in any way' the guy says yes 100%..... an IED exploded near me and blew off my testicals' the interviewer tells the guy, OK ,in that case, I can hire you right away. Normal hours are from 8am to 4pm. You can start tomorrow at 10:00-and plan on starting at 10:00 everyday. The guy is puzzled and says 'If hours are from 8am to 4pm why don't you want me here before 10:00am? 'This a goverment job the interviewer says 'For the first two hours we stand around drinking coffee and scratching our balls,No point in you coming in for that.

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