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  1. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Horror Stories

    From what I remember the air intake for the older Toyota trucks was located pretty high in the engine compartment. I'm sure the road crew thought we were pretty stupid for being up there in the first place.
  2. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Horror Stories

    To this day I still wonder why we allowed our trucks to be pulled through the torrent with the engines running...? Evidently the Gods of "being up **** creek without a paddle" were looking after us. :blink: We will never again be so lucky.
  3. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Great Basin

    Now, all I need to do is try and re-unite our epic washout/rescue gang (from 95) together for another attempt, MarkBC and the elusive Fogg.
  4. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Great Basin

    Sounds great. I found my old Mount Moriah topo from our trip in the mid-90's. Looks like quite a maze of old mining roads on the west/Spring Valley access side but I like the idea of getting high up with the rig. Sounds like the Table is close enough to the trail-head that a late photo session...
  5. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Desert Conference XXVI

    Poster photo by yours truly, and yes this entire view burned. Hopefully relatively fast moving and not too hot in these lovely low sage plateau areas. Thanks for posting the Desert Conference PR.
  6. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Great Basin

    Curious how much further miles/time it takes to summit Mt. Moriah? The 2 miles to the table look reasonable but the peak must be part of a longer day. thanks - craggy
  7. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Great Basin

    Thanks ski3pin. I did not want to hijack your great TR thread. I'll post this pic and it seems like MarkBC covered this one in some other story/thread a while back.
  8. Many Moons ago with MarkBC

    Many Moons ago with MarkBC

    Smith Canyon
  9. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Nevada's Great Basin

    Excellent. The Table and Mt Moriah have been on my list for years, great to see some pix. MarkBC and I made an attempt from the east many moons ago that ended with our being rescued from a big road washout. This has definitely got me inspired for a return trip. Cheers-
  10. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Aurora Alert

    Decided with a favorable forecast for more solar activity to try it again on Sunday eve/Monday morn.... :blink: I'm a total glutton for punishment as the 0500 bedtime on Sunday morning was putting me in a daze. Of course this is all prodded along from my friend, ace astrophotograper Brad...
  11. Broken Top Glow

    Broken Top Glow

    Another night, another glowing sky. I need sleep
  12. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Aurora Alert

    An inspiring evening for sure. After I left MarkBC snoozing peacefully in his pop-top I headed west to take my very non-enthusiastic partner home to a warm bed. Fueled up on gas and Red Bull and made the dash for Sparks Lake where a friend was sending me texts berating me for not getting my ass...
  13. July 15/12, 4:01 a.m..  Aurora

    July 15/12, 4:01 a.m.. Aurora

    Finally after years of waiting/trying.
  14. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Face Book

    Much easier to post pix for damn sure but finding out real names will/would be scary. :o
  15. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Most-Ancient Americans -- in Central Oregon! (?)

    The entire geographic area around Summer Lake/Abert Rim/Lake and the poop cave is littered (literally) with village sites, glyphs, pictos, stone circles, standing stones and caves. Really perplexing and intriguing for this non-ologist but very interested amateur. I always appreciate any...
  16. OR CYN rim road

    OR CYN rim road

  17. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Happy 4th

    Due to the mild winter and low snow-pack it seems that most roads are in pretty good shape. The Whitehorse Ranch Road is high quality gravel and seems to be recently graded. The main access road to the Trout Creek Mtns is in reasonable shape, but looks like some-sort of grader went through and...
  18. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Happy 4th

    Smoke - We did a big loop into the Oregon Canyon - Trout Creek Mtns last week. This included a 3 day backpack into Oregon Canyon. Once we left the Whitehorse Ranch road we pretty much saw no one for about 5-6 days. Ran into a BLM range rider at one point as we traversed the roads between OC and...
  19. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Happy 4th

    Just a little bit of natures own fireworks. Love ambling down these out of the way desert roads. Looked as if I was the first this year on the Trout Creek Loop. MarkBC showed me the way on this one about 10 years ago. Glad to make it back.
  20. On the V

    On the V

    Trout Creek Mtns, SE OR. A seldom traveled road.
  21. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West Astro Thread

    I've been fortunate lately to hook up and do some short photo trips with Brad Goldpaint who is a specialist in Astro/night photography. He was leading a workshop over this past weekend at Crater Lake and lucked into a really cool/rare occurrence for this far south on the globe. Crater Lake
  22. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New Cold Weather Idea. Thoughts Please.

    Thanks - MarkBC and Alley-Kat, much appreciated. The environment thanks you also.... <_<
  23. CraggyMan

    RV LIFE Forum Hub, Wander The West New Cold Weather Idea. Thoughts Please.

    Lighthawk - I know this had probably been covered elsewhere but where did you source your "self-adhesive velcro tabs"? I picked up a roll of Reflectix a year or so back and it is still just sitting as I ponder the infinite attachment possibilities. So far I just overpower the cold, leaky...
  24. Spring Basin

    Spring Basin

  25. Craggy's misc images

    Craggy's misc images

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