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  1. Smokecreek1

    Trip Report: Glacier National Park and the Canadian Rockies

    Really enjoyed that and seeing how I doubt I'll never make it there myself-thanks for taking me along. Families from Hell and campgrounds -why we have our pop-ups I guess-again thanks! Smoke
  2. Smokecreek1

    Summer is Here! 2018

    We'll probably see blue skies again just before it snows-hopefully in a couple of months! Boy was just up on the Devel's Garden camping and fishing in the smoke (had to run a small fan at night in the camper to keep the smoke out) -then it got worse as ash and embers began to fall on my camp...
  3. Smokecreek1

    No-Destination "Finding Home Tour"

    It's called "Following your nose and smelling the roses". Gee I had to wait until I retired to do it full time hoyden, so enjoy yourself :P ! Speaking of that, smoke is clearing out a tad here in NE Calif/NW Nevada, so I'm heading up to Bucks Bay at Eagle Lake in a bit to camp for a day or two...
  4. Smokecreek1

    Trout Creek Mountains, Oregon

    Fish-who needs fish or a creek or brush, hey, bring a friend and have a milkshake and a burger at Fields, followed by a hot spring soak on the way in and repeat process on the way out :P . I've seen that area from afar several times and "I gotta put in on my list to make the time to actually go...
  5. Smokecreek1

    Fresh water and Grey Water ?

    I also add some bleach a couple of times a year and drain the FW tank (with the hose running water in) every so often! Also if you have a hot water heater -you need to check it because junk forms in it and it needs to be cleaned out also- just need to follow recommendations on how to do it for...
  6. Smokecreek1

    Desolation Wilderness - August 2018

    Thanks guys, that brings back allot of memories from the days before people really discovered that place and the Sierras in general. Despite the haze and smoke, I could feel being there again. like you guys. I spent allot of time wondering around that country in those days before wilderness...
  7. Smokecreek1

    Your Input is NEEDED NOW!

    Do it now and hope for the best! Although I hate to say it, he will probably ignore these messages anyway as he did with those million or so messages against his proposed National Monument changes . He and his political appointees continually ignore everyone and every thing but big oil and...
  8. Smokecreek1

    Denino, OR southward toward Reno NV

    Gerlach, Nevada (great place and a hub for the area-can go lot's of places from there). -yes road okay, but weather conditions can close it; lot's of things to see along it. Paved and gravel roads south from Gerlach to Pyramid Lake/Reno. Gravel road s thru Smoke Creek Desert to both places good...
  9. Smokecreek1

    What is this?

    Same here, in my 05. Granby. Removed table parts and use the space for special storage! Smoke
  10. Smokecreek1

    Why I think WtW website is unique.

    Yep-it's the people! Learned allot of good stuff here about things like WTWing that I care about, met some fine people and had many worthwhile discussions (usually friendly and respectful <_<), and best of all enjoyed many adventures with people I'd would have probably never met or socialized...
  11. Smokecreek1

    Summer Thunderstorms Have Hit Death Valley

    People just don't realize the impact of flash floods can have in the desert. Still remember, that while doing field problems in the Arizona desert while in the army, we were looking for a place to camp for the night. Well we had a brand brand new 2nd LT as our new platoon leader, who said " hey...
  12. Smokecreek1

    Maps /grrrr sorta?

    Yep-ya got that right-no batteries needed! .....and always have lot's of maps in the truck for future planning and just in case an un planned for opportunity (forced or not) come up :)! Smoke Smoke
  13. Smokecreek1

    Summer is Here! 2018

    SMOKE. high winds, several fires and Heat, in the high 90's here in Lassen County! Breaking heat records here in the high desert! I'd get out of here but smoke and fires are every where! Smoke is so thick that have not walked the dog for several days. Well I missed getting stuck up at the...
  14. Smokecreek1

    Mosquito Repellent

    Truck Camper Magazine just asked the same question-best choice Thermacell portable mosquito repeller! Me I'm still using that Nice and Soft stuff that my mom got me on some 30 or so years.ago! Still that thermacell stuff looks interesting maybe if i'm sitting around the campfire drinking a beer...
  15. Smokecreek1

    Bye Pugsly picture :-(

    You never need to forget them, they will always be a part of you! Dawn, take a look at my picture, that black dog is my old faithful "Babe." She died 10 years ago! Never even thought about taking a new picture with "Bob" to replace it. I feel good every time I look at it and remember her...
  16. Smokecreek1

    Alabama Hills new rules coming?

    Time for another rant gang!!! Hey guys, we don't need to worry about rules and regs any more because another stake has just been driven into how we manage-or don't - Public Land!! Just read where Trump, at the urging of Zemkie, just pardoned those Oregon ranchers whose arrest for burning up...
  17. Smokecreek1

    Is this GENIUS or Just More STUFF?

    I HATE YOU :)!!!!! and only $87.00 on amazon, or was it $215.00 with all the bells and thing a bops-did i mention I HATE YOU!!! had to stop watching all the you-tube things(steaks-stews-no more), before I spent my gas money. I want two of them-one for the home and one for the pop-up! Could be...
  18. Smokecreek1

    Summer is Here! 2018

    Summertime, sum sum-Summertime is here at last-high 80's all week----wonderful :wub: seems like it took for ever to get here! Smoke
  19. Smokecreek1

    It's All Your Fault

    So Steve-when are you going to bring it out to show us-ya know your good old field buddies -how well it works :)! Can't wait-might even bring some of the vitals myself- right guys-yep, just getting hungry thinking about it! When, where <_< !!! Smoke
  20. Smokecreek1

    What are the odds?

    OK guys try this one on . I grew up in northern California and had many a run in with that weed and soap and water and calamine lotion (that spelled right?), anyway that pink stuff -was the usual remedy and over time I usually learned to try avoid po-a very difficult thing to do because I...
  21. Smokecreek1

    Driving on gravel roads, use 2wd or 4wd ?

    I spent a good deal of time for 30 or so years, driving on those gravel roads during my career in BLM as a part of my job description. In addition, I spent many miles of play time on those same roads and there is no one right answer as to whether or not you use or don't use 2WD or 4WD because...
  22. Smokecreek1

    Trout Creek Mountains, Oregon

    Enjoyed that! May have to go southeast instead of southwest the next time I have a milkshake at Fields ^_^ and do some exploring up there! Smoke
  23. Smokecreek1

    Summer is Here! 2018

    Go use that new truck ! Got a whole bunch of new neighbors with 24/7 barking dogs here (and chickens too!); however, not my "Bob", he only barks for a good reason, like when they come in his yard without permission.. Besides, it takes time away from more productive activities like looking for...
  24. Smokecreek1

    RFI Burney Lassen Area on 4th

    So true John22, that statement and " there is a good short cut a few miles down the road on the left-ya can't miss it!!! ", have been the bane of many a traveler! Have fun WTWing on the fourth! PS: check the above photo gallery for pictures of some of the sites mentioned here-in. Smoke
  25. Smokecreek1

    RFI Burney Lassen Area on 4th

    Anywhere in that country could be a zoo on the fourth, especially near Hat creek. or the Pit River. In addition, boon docking could be a problem because of the heat wind and grass-pay attention to red flag warnings and if you think you have found a neat place, call the proper land manager to...
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