Summer is Here! 2018


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Jun 30, 2009
Sierra Nevada Range
My, how the time flies. Summer - as MarkBC points out to us, meteorological summer - arrived 8 days ago. We now sleep in the cool of the night with our doors and windows open and take in all the night sounds - the incessant barking of neighbors' dogs and the relentless screams of the owners for their dogs to shut up. But, with the use of much more colorful and unnecessary language.
I didn’t realize you could hear me all the way down in Pollock Pines...

Though, I got even with the neighbors at 3:00 AM this morning. Last night, Fritz the Wonder Dog played camel, tanking up on at least a half gallon of water. At three, I heard desperate whining, so got up and turned him out. The neighbor’s little Scotty and other drop kick pouch went berserk. A good 10 minutes of sounding off until they got up to quiet things down.. Revenge is a dish best served cold...
Thanks for getting this going, Mr 3pin. :) I thought of it a week ago, but couldn't think of a clever title...just very old "...summer..." songs going through my head. :p

Though we hit 86°F in May (which is hot for Bend in "spring"), no complaints about the heat so far this summer. I've had a window or two open at night, but not WIDE open...

In fact, this weekend is forecast to be un-summery -- Saturday-Sunday overnight low in the 30s. :eek:


I'm not complaining about coolness -- I'd be happy with a summer that never got above 80.
That first glint of Summer is a time my Camper Madness sets in and Hope accuses me of changing everything around that was just fine last year in my quest for camper nivana.

This year is a big one with a transition to a 3/4 ton Chevy that came into our lives.

We are just set to make a quick shakedown cruise in search of wildflowers.

Later in the month we are headed to Lake county Oregon for some history and natural history.

My how times fly....mostly good times.

David Graves
DavidGraves said:
That first glint of Summer is a time my Camper Madness sets in and Hope accuses me of changing everything around that was just fine last year in my quest for camper nivana.

This year is a big one with a transition to a 3/4 ton Chevy that came into our lives.

We are just set to make a quick shakedown cruise in search of wildflowers.

Later in the month we are headed to Lake county Oregon for some history and natural history.

My how times fly....mostly good times.

David Graves
Sounds like a great summer ahead! :)
Go use that new truck ! Got a whole bunch of new neighbors with 24/7 barking dogs here (and chickens too!); however, not my "Bob", he only barks for a good reason, like when they come in his yard without permission.. Besides, it takes time away from more productive activities like looking for his ball. Weather nice, but a cold front is supposed to come in this weekend, then back to heat :love: and off in search of a place with a lake, so "Bob" can swim after in it all day in pursuit of his ball and I can watch the wild critters play!

Holy Smoke,

It is not a new truck, the damn thing has 300K miles on it.

But it is new to us and the Toyota T100 has other chores this summer.

David Graves

Ps but yeah...we intend to use it...say arf to Bob.
Summer is in full swing here, with warm temps, thunderstorms, humidity and lots of greenery (and of course some bugs). We're just about done with spring chores and getting ready to load up the camper. Will be heading up to the big lake (Superior) in a couple weeks for the annual North House Folk School wooden boat show- always on the solstice weekend- and a nice kick-off to the rest of the summer camping season.
High pressure has punched a big round hole in the sky over most of the West:

...but not here in the PNW -- where, in Bend at 12:40 pm it's overcast and just 54°F.; overnight low was 36° ...brrrr...
But it's easier to get warm when it's cold than it is to get cool when it's hot. :)
This forecast for Bend is my idea of proper summer temperatures (after today, anyway):


MarkBC said:
High pressure has punched a big round hole in the sky over most of the West:

...but not here in the PNW -- where, in Bend at 12:40 pm it's overcast and just 54°F.; overnight low was 36° ...brrrr...
But it's easier to get warm when it's cold than it is to get cool when it's hot. :)
Hi Mark

Do you know of any fires SE of Bend ?

We are heading down to Fort Rock, Crack in the Ground, Hole in the Ground and the Big Hole.....for a few days this week.

Also down to Summer lake.

David Graves
DavidGraves said:
Hi Mark

Do you know of any fires SE of Bend ?

We are heading down to Fort Rock, Crack in the Ground, Hole in the Ground and the Big Hole.....for a few days this week.

Also down to Summer lake.

David Graves
David, There are no fires that I know of southeast of Bend right now -- though there are some hot ones north of Bend.

Do you know about this site -- "InciWeb"? It's a great resource for wildfire info in the West.
Thanks Mark

Interesting site.

Lets hope we are spared so many wildfires this year...mighty dry start so far.

Yep, it's cooled enough tonight that I have our back door and windows open and the neighbour has apparently a new batch of puppies yelping and yapping incessantly. I gather he "fosters" for local animal control which is noble but pretty damned tiring to listen to. He also has goats. I like goats as long as they stay out of our veggie patch. :mad:
Yes, you should always bring a jacket when visiting Central Oregon - even in July:
Early this morning.
Yup...low hundreds forecast for mid gorge next week...just in time for a family visit to go rafting,

Oh well...its rumored to be a dry heat.

David Graves
The thick smoke is keeping the temperature down by a few degrees. I'd rather have clear sky and the extra heat.

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